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"Luke", I whispered but he glared at me.

"I do know what's inside this I'm not stupid. But Hayley I want to know why?" He sighed, he looked upset. All the anger had left his face, worry remained. I didn't answer him. He thrust the package into Conor's hands. "You are lucky I'm not going to murder you but I swear to god if you ever go near my girl again I will kill you", he spat in his face. The terror in Conor's eyes was evident and he quickly scampered off.

"Hi", I smiled nervously at him but he shook his head.

"Why were you buying drugs off him?" He asked. Now was my chance to tell him about Kiera.

"I'm sorry", was all that came out of my mouth.

"We're leaving and you're going to tell me everything". He grabbed my arm and dragged me over to his car.

He opened the car door and I just stood there, not moving.

"Get in", he stated and I shook my head.

"I'm not getting in any car with you when you're in this mood", I told him and crossed my arms.

He glared at me and looked around making sure no one was watching us.

"I said get in", he repeated and I resisted. I was being stubborn, I knew I was but I couldn't help it. "Hayley I am serious get in the damn car", he said more loudly this time but I stood my ground.

"I told you already I'm not going anywhere with you until you calm the fuck down", I said calmly but inside I was shaking. I had never seen him so mad in my life before.

"For fuck sake", he shouted and slammed his hand of the car. My heart beat faster. "I'm so fucking done with your shit. That's it I'm fucking finished with you. Get your own ride home", he shouted in my face and walked around to his side and slammed the door shut behind him before he sped off. I bit my lip as I watched him drive away. He didn't really mean that, did he? I walked through the busy town, my head down. How dare he speak to me that way? He never gave me a chance to speak, he just assumed things like he always does.

I walked down the street, lost in my thoughts. Thinking of everything I could've done differently. I pulled out my phone and called Kiera. She picked up straight away.

"What happened?" She asked panickingly. "Luke came home and stormed up to his room, I think he punched a hole in his wall". Thank god he got home okay.

"He caught Conor giving me the drugs and he now thinks that I'm a reck. He thinks that I'm taking drugs and he ended things with me. He was so mad", I said quietly.

"Oh do you still have them?" She asked and I rolled my eyes. Why were people so wrapped up in themselves?

"Of course I fucking don't. And you can find yourself someone new to get your shit for you. I'm done and Luke's done with me so for all I care tell him what you saw because my life's ruined so you have nothing to hold against me anymore", I said angrily.

"I am truly sorry", was all she said before hanging up. My boyfriend..... if I can call him that anymore.... thinks I'm someone I'm not. I tried to call him but he didn't answer. There was no fucking point anymore. The sound of a car pulling up beside me made me turn my head to the side. For fuck sake it was fucking Lily.

She pulled down the window. "Need a ride?" She asked and I shook my head.

"I'm fine".

"It looked like you and Luke had a pretty heated row", she commented and I glared at her.

"We're fine", I hissed.

"I never said you's weren't. I'm gonna go see if he's okay", she smiled sweetly and drove off but I couldn't say a thing.

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