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As soon as Luke left I felt defeated. There was so much more I wanted to talk to him about but I couldn't. We weren't together anymore, we didn't have to explain our actions to each other. My main concern was that he could get through to Kiera and get her not to post that video and destroy my life. I went into the bathroom and had a quick shower to clear my head but it didn't work. I still felt drained when I stepped out of the shower and put on my towels. My phone was ringing when I left the shower and I quickly answered when I realised it was Luke.

"I'm so sorry", he said in a rush. "I tried to talk to her but she had already uploaded the video to a lot of forms of social media. Of course she did it anonomously but it wouldn't take a rocket science to figure out that she did it". My breath hitched in my throat when the words left his mouth.

"Thanks for trying", I managed to get out and I heard him sigh sadly on the other end.

"I really did try to get her to take them down but she would not listen to me", he said gently and I blinked back my tears. I had never cried so much in my life, I felt pathetic.

"Don't worry about it". I whispered. "Are people saying a lot of stuff about me?"

"Please just turn your phone off when we're finished talking", he said gruffly. "You don't need to look at that stuff".

"It's bad isn't it", I said softly and by his sigh I knew it was.

"Just promise me you won't read the stuff they're saying".

"I cannot make a promise that I most likely won't keep".

"Hayley please don't read any of that stuff", he said sternly and I bit my lip. "You know I hate knowing that your hurting and reading that stuff is just going to hurt you".

"You and I both know that I am too curious to just ignore this", I managed to chuckle but he didn't laugh back. "Well I suppose I better let you go, you have probably a lot more interesting things to do than talk to me". My heart actually ached when I said those words but I didn't want to take up anymore of his time. Before he could respond, I hung up and immediately checked my social medias where indeed people were not afraid to mention how much of a tart I was. My inboxes were full of hate mail from people in my school, some even wondering if I had wrecked anymore marriages. I put on a pair of pyjama shorts and a grey hoodie before I clicked on the video that Kiera had posted of me on an anonymous Instagram, her caption basically stated that this video was taken a while back and had destroyed this mans marriage. She had blurred out Tonys face but left mine in it and had even tagged me in the caption. Luke was wrong no one would figure out she had posted the video, it literally had no link to her at all. The comments on the video made me feel sick as people who I thought where my friends hated on me.

Wow the schools slut strikes again. Wonder is this why Luke broke up with her.

She actually seduced a married man, what a sick bitch. So glad she got caught and this tape got leaked so we all know what she is, a dirty tart.

Wow this girl probably has every std going.

The comments continued getting nastier and nastier but I couldn't stop reading them. A knock on my room door distracted me and I wiped the tears of my face.

"Go away", I shouted but my sister waltzed in anyway and jumped on top of me wrapping her arms around me tight. I sobbed into her shoulders and she rubbed my back.

"It didn't happen like that", I sobbed and she bit her trembling lip as her own tears pooled in her eyes.

"Oh Hayley", she whispered.

"Has mom seen it?" I gasped and she nodded her head. "What did she say?"

"She's disgusted", Lola whispered as her tears began to trek down her face.

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