Café dates

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A week passed by in the blink of an eye. It was Friday and Luke would be here in an hour. He was home for the weekend. He had a few more things to pick up at home. I tied back my short hair and put on some makeup. I put on my denim shorts and a black tank top. Lola entered my room when I was finished getting ready and she raised her eyebrows.

"What are you going to wear?" She asked and I lunged at her, attacking her with tickles. "Stop it", she shrieked until I finally gave up.

"This", I said and she rolled her eyes before she stuck her head in my closet.

"You know it's not the warmest day", she replied as she flicked through my clothes with much distaste. "I know you haven't seen Luke in a week but I'm sure he'd rather see you in more clothes.... wait scratch that, he's a guy". My little sister left my room then and I stuck my tongue out behind her back.

I looked in the mirror and sighed. She was right. I covered my top part with a grey hoodie and sighed. That'll do.

I lay in my bed and flicked through instagram. I was nervous to see him. We had barely talked since that time he rang me about Conor. The door bell rang  and my heart leapt into my mouth.

"Hayley Luke's here", Lola called and a few minutes later he entered my bedroom.

"Hi dork", he grinned and I jumped into his arms. He kissed the top of my head as I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Babe", I sighed and kissed his jaw. "I can't believe you're actually here".

"You do know I can't come back every weekend", he said and I bit my lip. "I had to come back this weekend to get some things and also to see you of course".

"Well how the fuck are we going to manage", I groaned. "I could barely last one week without seeing you".

"Tell me about it", he murmured as he sat on my bed and pulled me onto his lap. "That hoodie looks familiar", he mentioned.

"It may be yours", I giggled as his eyes glanced to the photos on my locker. He gently pushed me off him as he walked over to them and picked up the one Conor's dad took of me, Shirley and Conor last weekend. I had to frame it. I looked damn good in it and there wasn't many photos taken that night. We were all in the middle of the dance floor just having the best time.

"That's nice", Luke mumbled and I rolled my eyes.

"I thought I looked good in it", I explained, a small smile on my face but he didn't turn around to look at me.

"You're hiding something from me", he announced. "I could tell as soon as I walked in here".

"Are you actually serious Luke?" I huffed and got up of the bed. I stood in front of him so he had no choice but to make eye contact with me. "Do you not realize how much you mean to me", I snapped, my eyes staring right into his.

He placed his hands on my shoulder and gently push me back a little. "I dunno Hayley. You know you say I mean a lot to you and yet you have no problem going of to a party flirting with some guy as if you are a couple", he sniggered and I hit his shoulder.

"Get out", I glared. "I do not want to talk to you when you're like this". I stomped over to my bed and lay with my head pushed into my pillow. The room was silent but I could still hear Luke's steady breathing. Suddenly the bed shifted a little and I knew Luke had sat down beside me. I hated how I had basically just thrown a tantrum. How can I expect Luke to deal with me when I act like that.

"I'm sorry", he whisperered as he twirled a strand of my hair between his fingers. "Hey Hayley come here", his voice was growing desperate.

"This isn't working", I mumbled into the pillow but from the intake of his breath I knew he knew what I was talking about.

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