A ball

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"I guess this is goodbye", I stated later that day, when I was in Luke's new room. Amanda had already said goodbye and was waiting down stairs for me.

"Not goodbye, just see you later", he clarified and I forced a smile.

"I don't want to leave", I cried out and he pulled me to his chest. His arms wrapped around my back.

"But baby you have to", he stated and I felt heavy. "Don't get me wrong I'd love if you could stay here with me but you have school in the morning".

"I don't care about school, I care about you", I whined and he pressed his lips to mine.

"I care about you but you need to go to school so you can join me here next year", he mumbled against my lips. I pulled away.

"I'm definitely not smart enough to get here", I pouted and Luke looked angry.

"You are smart enough okay, we don't have to worry about this yet. We just need to focus on getting through this year", he said and gave me a quick peck.

I looked at the clock on the wall and sighed. We had to leave now. "Well babe have a good time without me", I whispered afraid my voice would betray me. My chin began to wobble and I bit my lip to try to keep my tears hidden.

"Never", Luke whispered and captured my lips in his. My tears fell freely down my face as Luke kissed me for the last time that day. I held on a little tighter and kissed him a little longer that when we finally pulled away the tears had stopped and I felt revived. "I'll miss you love".

"I'll miss you too, call me every day", I said as we turned to leave his room.

"How am I not going to be able to see your cute face all the time anymore?" he complained and I shrugged.

"You're the one that wants to leave me so I have no answer", I smiled sadly and he wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked downstairs.

"Oh and please don't dress sexy when I'm not there", he whispered before we reached the kitchen.

"Baby I'll wear what I want whenever I want", I told him and he pouted.

"I knew you were going to say that but I swear to god if any of those guys think they can try it on with you now that I'm gone, I will find out", he told me and I shrugged. No one else liked me in that way. "Oh one last thing keep an eye on my sister and please quit the smoking and stop buying weed of that total loser", he ordered and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever you say", I stopped just as we reached the door. "But there'll be no one there to keep an eye on me". I felt Luke stiffen at my words. I opened the front door and Luke grabbed my arm.

"Please look after yourself and keep those boys in line", he sighed mad kissed my cheeks. "See you soon", he called as I got into the car. He waved us off as we drove away.

"What did you say to that boy before you left, he looks worried?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Just gotta keep them on their toes", I giggled.


I arrived home late that evening, I thanked Amanda for the lift and went inside. I hurried into the kitchen to find my mum there drinking a cup of tea and watching the clock.

"Hey mum", I cheered and she gave me a smile.

"Sit down", she said and I was quick to sit on the seat in front of her. "Did you have a good time?" She asked and I shrugged.

"Not the best anyway", I grumbled and mum gave me a sad smile.

"Hayley I just wanted to apologise for what I said the other day, I was angry and upset. Okay? I love you and I want to see you happy and I really do believe that Luke and you are made for each other. I've never seen you as happy as I do when you're with him or talking about him. So please pass no heed on what I said when I was angry".  My mom reached across the table and took my hand in hers.

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