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12 months earlier

I stared at the man in front of me. The man I had just made out with. His eyes were filled with lust while mine were filled with guilt.

"Karen will be home soon", I whispered, my eyes shifted to the wall behind him. I could no longer look at him. I had just made out with a married man. His wife was making me a dress for my parents vow renewal, and I repaid her by making out with her husband.

"I don't care", he chuckled, his hand now on my thigh. He was ten years older than me and very good looking. He had got married at the age of twenty one and he and Karen had welcomed their baby girl just over three months ago.

"Tony", I said softly my hands on his face. I was trying to get him to see straight, but the stench of whisky on his breath reminded me that many struggled to see straight when they drank alcohol.

"Do you even realise how hard it is to resist you. Ever since you started helping Karen out with creating your dress, you've been around so much and your short skirts just seem to be getting shorter", he growled in my ear and nibbled on it gently before pulling it away. He was right, my skirts had been getting shorter, I had been trying to tease him. He was hot and I wanted him to notice me but now that it was happening I didn't want this. I gave up trying to fight him and latched my mouth onto his, I believed it was the better option. To just get it over with. He kissed me harder and ran his hands through my long blond hair. "I love your hair", he whispered against my neck and began to attack it with kisses. He sucked on the soft skin above my collar bone and my eyes had fluttered shut. Soon my shirt was on the ground and my bra unclasped, in return his shirt was also thrown on the floor. My fingers fumbled as I attempted to unbuckle his belt as he pulled my skirt up onto my waist. A gasp from the doorway broke the moment and my eyes flashed over to the doorway, where Karen and her niece Kiera were stood.

*Present Day*

After that unfaithful moment Karen divorced Tony, she tried but she could not bare the sight of him. Every time she looked at him she pictured him about to fuck a school girl. Kiera had told me all this and she also told me that Karen had sworn her to secrecy. Karen had never told a single soul about why her and Tony actually got a divorce, she made up the excuse that they were too young for marriage. No one knew I was a home wrecker apart from Karen, Kiera and Tony and that was the way I wanted it to stay. I hated myself for that moment ever since. Two months after that incident I began to date Luke, and Kiera threatened that if I ever broke her brothers heart or even dared to upset her she would leak the video she had taken of me and Tony just before Karen had entered the room. I never told Luke about what had happened and that had allowed her to rule over me the last couple of months. Now I had crossed Kiera and she was going to leak the footage, everyone at school and even my own family would know. No one would look at me the same again. Luke's parents would finally realise how much of a ho their sons ex girlfriend was. And Luke, he would probably hate me, no he would definitely hate me. I had broken his favourite aunts heart which caused her to move up state somewhere.

"Oh Luke", I whispered to myself as I walked up my path and entered my house. No one was home so I went upstairs and sat on the edge of my bed. I had to tell Luke, I had to tell him everything. No lies, no cover ups, just the truth. The whole truth.

I texted him then that I had something important to talk to him about and after ten minutes of waiting for a text back I gave up and called him instead.

"Hey", he answered and I squeezed my eyes shut. "I'm driving, sorry I didn't answer your text. I'm actually almost home, I have a few days off college and decided to come home instead".

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