Chapter 21

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Inside the car the silence was so heavy that i felt like i wasn't able to breath. I was just staring at him, not sure if i am dreaming, and in a poof of smoke he will disappear again. With the corner of his eyes occasionally he looked at me, worried, sad... scared? Why would he be afraid of me? He was driving South, towards a big hill. He was going up and up we were almost at the top of it.

"Where are we going?" i asked finally, while we were deep in a road, somewhere inside the forest.

"It's a new, local retreat. They have a great bar.. and their rooms have one hell of a view." he said, not taking his eyes of the road and a faint smile appeared on his lips. Well... what do i know? I go from my house to work and and straight back home. Except now.. with Timothy...

After about 15 minutes of driving in a dirt road we are finally there. He was right. This is amazing. The hotel was located inside the forest. Trees surrounding it and flowers being all over the place. Small lamps with a soft yellow light were illuminating the place. It felt like in any minute Peter Pan and Tinkerbell would pop out behind one of those tall trees.

Like a gendleman he is, he stepped out of the car and came to my side to open my door. I got out of the car feeling numb. He noticed my shaky steps and grab my hand to lead me inside. I wonder if i am feeling so lost because i see his amazing face again or because i am lost without Tim.

One man dressed in black suit and wearing a pretty heavy jacket open the door for us. Well, this is fancy... Can he afford it?

The warmth hit my face the minute the door opened. The feeling is amazing but it can also make me sleepy.

The whole place is decorated like it's a saloon at the mountains of Aspen. It's pretty cool. The walls are from stone and there is a huge fire place in the wall ahead of us. The whole place smells like fresh burnt wood and pine.

"Shall we?" Anton says while extending his arm to our left. There is a small cozy bar and a soft buzz is coming out of it from all the people talking.

I nod smiling and he goes ahead of me, leading me to a table besides the window wall. He takes off my coat and puts it on the back of my chair. I sit down slowly watching the amazing view from the window. The sun is about to settle giving the sky an amazing purple,orange and red color.

"So.." he says and i turn my head to look at him, not knowing where to start from. "How have you been?"

"Good. I guess. Where have you been?"

"I visited my parents." he says smiling, his eyes on his hands.

"You went to France?" i say shocked. I was thinking that he was still in the continet and he was so far away!

"I had to think."

"Think what?"


The waiter comes interrupting us. I order a red wine, i told him to chose the better one and Anton ordered Dry Martini.

"Martini?" i ask him raising my eyebrows. "Since when?"

He puts his hand through his long hair, and licks his lips. "I am dating someone, her favorite is Martini with two olives. I learnt to love Martini but i hate olives."

My eyes pop out. Has everyone been turned into a pervert? He was kissing me in his car! He calls me baby. I am the first person.. Okay the second, after Scot, he comes to visit and he is dating someone?

"She is married."

What? Mindfuck.

"I am.. Well was, dating some one married too."

"Katarina Conor! Aren't you the naughty one?" he jokes, but it's not enough. Timothy is back at my thoughts hunting me.

"Well, as i said, i was. I am not anymore."

"What happened?" he asks me and i can see that he really is interested.

"Where would it lead me Anton? Where would it lead you?"

The waiter comes again and carefully he places our drinks on the table. He puts the receipt on a tiny glass, he turns it up side down and he leaves. My eyes are locked on Anton. He seems worried.

"She said she would divorce, but she can't."

Why does it feel like this married woman that he is dating, is quoting Timothy.

"Ok enough." i stop him. Everywhere i look. Everything i hear it reminds me of him. This is madness. "I've missed you." i addmit.

"And I, you. You have no idea how much."

"Why didn't you call?"

"I wanted distance."

I smile at him, taking a sip of my drink. With the corner of my eye i catch a familiar shape. I turn my eyes and here he is. In the corner left table, staring at us. I cough so hard that i am sure i felt a little blood on my tongue.

"Jesus baby! Are you alright?" he asks and raises from his chair to come at me. All eyes turn on us.

"Yes yes just sit down!" i plead him, my voice a whisper. He sits down unwilling

I lick my lips,wiping the drink off my dress with my napkin. "Wait..." it finally hit me. "This doesn't make any sense... You said you just came here... But how you know this retreat then?"

His eyes narrow and a worried expression crosses his face.. A scared even, i could say. After a few moments,when he finally realizes that he made foul, big time, he speaks.

"Ok, i didn't just get here. I am here a week now. My.. Married lady friend and I, had a date here, about 3-4 days ago."

Oh! I swallow hard. So i was not at all the first, not even the second person he visted. Wow, this is not the Anton i knew once.. Hell, who am i kidding? I am not the Katarina i knew once.

"Oh...and did you book the same room you booked for us, when you were here with her?" sudden anger rushes through my blood.

"I didn't book us a room. What's wrong Kat? We never,ever get passed kisses and touches in our privates. I have only played with you and you have only played with me. Jesus, we were laying with our underwear in a bed, and i only got a blowjob and you a lick, we never fucked. Why you thought now that i would book a room?" his voice is angry too. His gace turning into a soft pink color. "You were single the whole year after Scot. So was I." he continues! Still furious. "And you never ever given me a sign to go ahead. Everytime i tried you backed down. And now. The only time in my life, that i have something serious you are asking me to fuck you?!"

Whoa, whoa there. I didn't... Did i? No.. I am sure i didn't ask him that. Where did all this came from. And he has something serious with a married woman? Is he delousional?

"That is not a way to speak to a lady."

I hear this beautiful, sweet voice saying to him. I look up and Timothy is standing at the side of Anton, looking furious. If Anton has a pink color on his face, then Timothy has a blood red one.

Anton looks shocked and his eyes pop out, his breathing heavy.

"Let's take this outside." Anton says to Timothy while standing up from his chair.

Fuck my life...

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