Chapter 14.

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"And how long will this business trip last?" my mother asks me, standing at my room's door. She isn't entering because i look like a cartoon character, running from here to there, in order to collect everything for my suitcase. The day had flew by and in about a half an hour Timothy would be here to pick me up.

"Um.. About a week or so.." i answer her and  throw my underwear in a plastic bag and then put them in the suitcase. OK now i have to choose some PJ's. Or one would be enough? No.. i will take two sets.

"And what is it about..?" 

"Oh mom! It's a conference. Τhey will talk money." i say while grabbing my favorite purple pyjamas  with the fluffy bunnies.

"And why are you needed there? I thought you were in the Editing Department?"  the confusion in here voice, high.

"Is this an investiagation?" i ask her making my voice a little higher and grabbing the only sexy pyjamas i have. It's a red see-through baby doll dress.

My mom locks her eyes in that baby doll and with a sigh she leaves the room. Don't over-think it! I command my self. 

After 15 minutes i have everything i need. I am done, wearing my coat and i am passing excited up and down in the living room. My phone rings. <<Private Number.>> Yes! It's him!

"Hello?" i answer it and i try to keep my voice business like. My brother is at school and my father is running some errants but my mother is here, and our apartment is pretty small and i bet she tries to overhear.

"Hello Miss Conor. My name is Keith. I will be your driver for tonight. I may have come a little earlier. Don't feel pressured. You can come down at any time." Fuck, it's not him! Why isn't he the one who picks me up? He has a chauffeur? 

"Um, no Keith. I will be right there." i answer him and i hang up. Where is he? Why he is not here?

"Be careful!" my mother shouts as i wave at her and leave our house.

Wow.. this will be..exciting. Fun! Living with him for seven days? Everything can happen! But then again...i think as i put my suitcase in the elevator. I will be in the house that him and his wife have made. Sleep in her bed. Shower in her bathroom. That is so wrong. 

I push the door open and a muscular African man is coming to take my luggage. My mouth drops open. He is so beautiful. He has no hair and no sign of a beard at all. And the most amazing part of him is his eyes. His blue like a crystal lake in Heaven, eyes. This is amazing. He is amazing.

He just nods at me after his is done with loading  the suitcase in the trunk, and i open the door of this white luxury car and i hop in. I don't do car-language so i don't know what car this is. All i noticed was the word  H U M M E R being written in the in front.

I sit back and i relax to the warmth of the car.. Wow.. heated seats? Cool!

"If you need anything to drink there is a small car-fridge to your left." Keith says and i pop my eyes. He has a fridge in his car? he bathing in golden coins too?

I look to my left and there is a square surface that does not match with the inside of the care. It is black while everything in here seems to be beige. But there is not a handle on it so how am i supposed to open this devilish thing?

"Um..Keith? How do you open it?" i ask blushing.

"It's touch Miss Conor. Just sweep your fingers in the little red line you see in the middle of it." he giggles. Yeah very funny. Like everyone owns a freaking touch fridge in their car.

I do as i am told and with a beep the little door flys open smoothly without me touching it. I shake my head in disbelief. This kind of stuff exist? Inside it there are all shorts of drinks. Beers, wines, Pepsi, Fanta, Coca-Cola.. Jeez i just want water. Wine it is! 

I grab the little miniature bottle of red Brunello di Montalcino but there is a problem. Where am i supposed to pour it? Hmmm... drink right from the bottle then! I open it and i start swallowing it like it's water. The taste is magnificent. It's Italy's most famous wine after all. 

Let's go for a second! I pop the second little bottle and i start drinking it. "Ma'am!" Keith shouts. I spit my wine in horror. It got all over my white blouse. Shit!

"What? What is it?" my eyes scan out of the windows. Wait.. why are we in a forest?

"There are glasses to your right Ma'am." he says his tone apologetic.

"Oh stop it with the Ma'am and Miss Conor. Just call me Kat." i say to him trying to wipe the expensive wine out of my blouse in vein.

"Kat." i can see the back of his head but he is nodding. I don't even bother  going for the glasses. I grab another tinny bottle.

"Where are we?" i ask him looking out of my window. The view is amazing. The colors of the trees from yellow to orange to green. Leaves spinning in the cold wind. Trees arching above us making a yellow and orange tunnel.

"Mr. Davis likes his privacy." is the only thing he says.

I am almost at my 6th little tinny bottle and my head is feeling kinda fuzzy. Keith parks the car besides one small pond. Around that pond there are two benches and trees...Trees again.. So much flora around here.

I open the door and the cold breeze hits my face making me shiver and calling me to attention. I turn my head to find a huge mansion. What is this? Am i in some kind of a fairytale? He leaves here? They leave here?

Keith shuts the car door behind me and motions me to go ahead. I stumble and make a lot of uncertain steps and after a few seconds, i am at his door.

"Go ahead and knock on the door. I will leave your suitcase here and the groom will take it. I will go the the employees house now. Bye Mi--- Kat." he corrects himself smiling.

I am shocked by the mansion so i just nod him a very awkward smile and he leaves. OK lets do this. I take a deep breath and knock the door three times.

I wait there in the freezing cold for a few moments. And then i hear some noise behind the door. It must be the... groom. It feels nice to be rich.. But i am not... No! Don't go there.

The door snaps open and there he is. I take a step back because i was not expecting him to answer the door. My heart starts to pound. My blood rushing through my veins, hot and needing. He wears and black sport suit, his shirt is unbuttoned and i can see his soft, marvelous skin, and he is barefoot. His hair in a mess. Was he sleeping?

"Welcome.." he greets me and slams himself to me, and his lips meet mine, taking no prisoners. He fists his hands on my curls and my waist pulling me inside.

"My suitcase.." i breath in his mouth. He sighs and interrupts our kiss. Leans down and grabs my suitcase and pulls it in the house, leaving in by the huge stair. He then comes back to me and does it all over again.

"Welcome.." he says again and once more he slams himself to me.

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