Chapter 10

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I go in his office, the fact that Kate is not behind the reception doesn't go by unnoticed.

I shut the heavy wooden doors behind me and my feet root there, not taking one single tiny step further.

He sits behind his dark mahogany desk, his head resting on his hands. I can see that his ears have a soft pink color. Jeez how mad is he? If he could just let me explain myself...

"Sit..." he orders.

I do as i am told. I cross my legs, lick my lips and swallow so hard that the noise echoes in the room.

He lifts his head from his hands and stares at me. His expression changes from angry to shocked. His mouth opens and he doesn't bother to close it back.

"In how much trouble am i in excactly?" i ask him, playing with my fingers nervously.

He coughs and then clear his throat.

"You were in a hell lot of trouble but..." he stops.

I lift my eyes to look at him under my lashes. <<were>>? Past tense? Why? What change in these seconds?


"But... Then i took a really good look at you. Your eyes..are..shinning. You are..." he stops again, his expression swifts and he is yesterday Timothy again. Wanting, waiting for me.

"I am...?" i push him to continue.

"Arrg God!" he shouts and stands up from his chair. His eyes lock mine. He goes around his desk, almost like running and he is besides me in seconds. He kneels in front of me and spins my armchair so i am fully turned to face him.

He is panting and my breath is heavy, waiting, my blood singing in my veins, thudding in my ears.

With his hand he forces my legs open and he pushes himself in so that his chest is nearly touching my... private area. My legs touching soft itch side of his arms.

"Your eyes are shinning, your hair is bright as blood. Red, the color of lust."

"Or love..." i add, my voice a whisper.

He stretches himself and grabs my face with his hand. His other hand fisting my hair.

In a second his lips are crashing mine. Claiming me. He pushes his tongue inside me and my lips open to welcome his burning wanting tongue. Our kiss is full of lust, burning, dancing a dangerous Tango.

My hands are lifting, having their own will, grabbing his soft marvelous hair, pushing him even closer to me, harder. My other hand falls to his back, caressing, squeezing him.

"I want you so dad." i breath in his mouth.

He lets out a raw loud groan and he pushes back, away from me.

"Stop!" he says suddenly, interrupting our heavenly kiss. My eyes pop out. Why?

"I need to talk to you. Stop distracting me." he says and pushes himself up. He is out of my reach. He walks around me and sits on the other armchair, next to me. I spin mine so i am turned to face him.

"So.." he raises his eyebrows. "Joe..."

"It was nothing i swear!" i rush to explain but he raises his finger motioning me to stop.

"Joe... He is my... Brother."

WHAT! Wow... WHAT? That explains why i find him attractive. Why i feel like he has that something...

"He is much like me. You are his shinning new toy.."

"I am your toy?" i ask him with the sarcasm flowing in my words.

"You are not a toy to me. You are to him. He got that i want you, and he finds it to be a game. He wants to take you from me."

"Mr. Davis..... I don't care what he wants. I am yours, you know that."

"I find it hard to believe. How long will it be since you think that if i am married, that if you get to share me, then i have to share you too?" he asks worried. And i am not a good liar so i let it out, the second i thought it.

"Good point well made Mr.Davis."

He sighs again, and pulls my armchair close to him so our knees are touching. It hit me like electricity straight to my G spot. Jeez it's just our knees!!

"What part of you are mine was so hard to get Katarina?"

"What part of you are married was so hard to get Mr.Davis?" i shoot back. Our eyes locked together, throwing lighting bolts.

"It is not the same. I can do whatever i want to do with whoever i want. I told you the first day we met." his voice sharp, serious. Making me angry. Thats is bullshit. It is not fair.

"And what if i don't agree with that?"

"I don't remember asking for your permission anyway. This is me. I may go out and fuck another five women if i feel like it.. But you... You are mine. No one gets to even breath near you." he smiles calmly like he says something completely logical. But what he says, is far from logical.

"This is not going to happen. You have your wife. You have me. Is that not enough?"

"If you don't agree with my choices, with my lifestyle, then we are done. And i don't want that Katarina. I like you. I want to be inside you everytime i see you. Everytime i think of you. I need to have you. Please don't end us." he pleads.

What is that? We are done? No! I barely know him but i need him. Apparently much more than he needs me. Because is am full with him, just him. But he wants me, his wife, and other women too. Can i do that? Does Kate know about that? Don't end us? End us? No! It hurts just to think about it.

"So let me get that straight..." i say and he smiles nodding. "So you are telling me that you own me. Every single inch of me. And i don't disagree. You do own me. I am yours, but..." his smile grows in my choice of words but how can i deny it anymore?

"But i don't own you.." he nods in agreement. "You can just go ahead and fuck me right now in this desk, but the moment you pull out of me you can easily go to the cafeteria and fuck any woman that you find hot?"

"Yes. That is what i am saying."

"But... You slept with me over the phone! That was.... How can you take it all back now?" i shout at him. His expression got all serious again, his eyes narrowing.

"Katarina enough! Do you accept my... Life style? Yes or no."

"Yes." i sigh.

"I own you. Your body.. Your hands, your mouth, your breasts, your ass, your vagina.. From head to toe, you are mine. Understand?"

My blood boils. This is not happening! No! I am mad at him... Why are my insides melting? Why does this sounds so orgasmic? I nod.

"Say it. Say it that your body, your every hole is mine to take.'

"My body is yours." i whisper. How did i got into this so fucked up and so hot situation?

"Now kiss me." he orders.

I do as i am told. I stand up from my armchair and stand before him. His eyes lock mine and i slowly kneel in front of him. I lean froward and i kiss him. A soft kiss and then i push back. He spreads his legs pulling me inside, my breasts touching his groin.

"You call that a kiss? Again!" he commands and my heart skips a beat the moment i feel his erection touching me.

I push farther more, his erection, covered by his pants, between my breasts who are covered by my blouse. I stretch up a little more and my hand fists his bronze Primroses. His hair smells divine!

My lips are crashing his. Hot, soft. Wet. He opens his mouth to welcome my wanting tongue. Out tongues hugging and dancing in the fire full of lust.

He pushes away again panting.

"Undo my fly Miss Conor." he smiles pointing at his groin.

Oh my....

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