Chapter 5

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"What the hell is that?" i hear a man say from the elevator. The doors of the elevator are closed and he just sits there with a wide open mouth and narrow eyes, trying to understand what are those moans he is hearing.

I panic. I try to hit the yellow button but instead i press every single button on the phone but the yellow. I swipe my hands in a last attempt to hit the damn button but i hit the pile of papers and the fall to the floor.

"God motherf-- fuck--- this motherfu--- aaaarg!" i yell to the ceiling and i make my hand into a fist. I use all my power and i smash that stupid phone. After a few seconds all the buttons are gone and the moans have stop.

I feel angry. At everything. At me, at him, at this damn phone, and at this fucked up situation.

My breath is heavy and my eyes closed.

"What was that?" the man says calmly. I take one deep breath and open my eyes slowly.

"I got mad." is the only thing i say to him.

"Well, obviously." he says smiling and pointing to the smashed phone. "Hulk smash!" he jokes. I stay there looking at him with zero expressions. He goes on laughing and eventually i give in and giggle with him too.

"I am Joe. Nice to meet you." he says still giggling and offering his hand. I may be giggling but i am still mad so i don't shake his hand, i just nod.

"I am Katarina. You can call me Kat."

"I will call you Red. You have amazing hair!"

"You gay?"

He laughs. "Oh no baby girl. The exact opposite. I just love redheads." he beams down at me from the top of my head to the end of my feet.

"I am not a natural." i shake my head, bitting my lip.

"That is sensual." he whispers.

What. The. Fuck. Is wrong with all that perverts in here???

"And what exactly is sensual Joe?" Timothy asks him while he is closing his office door. I take a quick look inside and i see Kate trying to pull up her panties. He shuts the door closed.

"Nothing Tim. Just nothing." he smiles at me and for an uncertain reason i smile back at him. I guess i just wanted to make Timothy jealous.

He stands in the middle of the room. His eyes flying from mine to Joe and back again to me. So... It did work.

"Why are you here Joe?" he hisses at him.

"Oh yeah." he looks disoriented. "I have the contracts you asked me for. For the charity."

"Give them---" he starts to say and he stops when Joe comes my way and i extend my hands to pick the papers up."No!" he is practically shouting at him. "Give them to me." he smiles to him calmly.

Joe looks confused but he doesn't say anything. He steps back from me and goes toward Timothy. He hands him the contracts and nods at him. He turns his head, smirks at me and i respond again, smirking back. He licks his lips and exits the room.

"That was totally unprofessional." Timothy scolds me shaking his head.

"Oh! You think?" i couldn't hide the sarcasm off my voice.

"What are you talking about?" he says sounding shocked.

"Oh come on!" i say an roll my eyes. "The speakers?"

"Well Katarina, this is not only my office. It's my company. Mine. And i can do whatever i want with whoever i want."

"You didn't have to make me listen to it."

"Katarina, don't be childish. The order was not to turn off the speaker. I never ordered you to stay in the room. Why didn't you leave?" he says calmly.

Well... How stupid am i? Why didn't i think of that? Why did i sit there listening to him fucking his wife? For Gods sake i was close into buying a popcorn!

I sigh to him angry and i roll my eyes. I turn my back to him and go behind the reception again.

"Never flirt again." he says madly.

"Excuse me?" i ask him, the shock in my voice almost palpable. Who the fuck does he think he is?

Just when he was going to explain himself, Kate opens the doors. She walks to him, fixing her pants at the same time.

"Well that was refreshing." she says smiling and hugs him.

"That it was." he says and kisses her nose. I could just puke on both of them.

"I think i will leave now." i burst their little bubble. How stupid was i, thinking that me and him had a bubble...,

"Your swift is not over. " he says, his voice cold and sharp.

"Oh come on baby." Kate says calmly, caressing his lips. "All the work is done for today.."

He seems to think about it for a little while, then he smiles and pulls Kate out of his arms.

"Honey please go home. I will come later. I will surprise you." he smirks to her.

She claps her hands like seal and grabs her dark blue designer coat. In less than 2 minutes he is out of the room. I just stand there not knowing what to do with myself.

He walks slowly towards the huge window. He holds up the grey curtain , not saying a word, not looking anywhere else but outside.

I clear my throat to make him pay attention to me. He holds up his finger motioning me to wait.

10 minutes pass in total silence, and then he talks.

"I want you so bad." he says pulling his jacket off, walking towards me.

"What the hell?" i shout at him and he takes a step back.

"You don't want me?" he asks, making puppy eyes.

"That is not the point Tim!" i shout again. "Don't you see how fucked up this is? That is not me! I don't do stuff like that! And neither should you. This needs to stop!"

"First of all," he says calmly. "It's either Mr. Timothy or Sir Davis. Secondly you enjoy it as much as i did."

"It is ok for you to enjoy it! It was with your wife!"

"I enjoyed it because i was thinking i was fucking you, aaaand you didn't say you didn't enjoy it." he smirks at me.

I sigh and say nothing. He comes to me fast. Almost running. He unbuttons his shirt and by the time he is right in front of me, his shirt is totally undone. I can see his muscular chest, it's making my insides vibrating.

He looks me straight into my eyes. He eyes burning. Wanting.

"Don't tell me you don't feel that.' he says softly and his lips crash mine.

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