Chapter 4

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I stumble towards the reception. Towards her. And i can't help it. I can't make it go away. I feel like a cheap whore. He is married. I just met his wife. And still i like him. I want him. I am... the third person now? The mistress? That is not me. That is not who i am. All my believes, everything my parents teached me went away in a few minutes by that... that... that ridiculously good looking man.

"Oh my God! Are you even listening to me?" Kate is shouting at me. I was lost in my thoughts that i didn't even hear her talking.

" I'm sorry. What can i help you with Kate?"

"It's Mrs.Davis." she corrects me with a sharp voice. I try hard to keep myself from punching her.

"Mrs.Davis." i smile at her a phony smile.

"Much better dog. I need you to short this shit out." he says pointing a the huge pile of papers. She then gets out of the reception grabbing her Louis Vuitton purse.

"And what are you going to do?" i ask her in suprise.

"I am going to go out with my... girls." she hesitates. "It's none of your business actually. Do what i told you, like the good bitch you are." she smiles at me and laughs. I bit my lip with anger furious. She narrows her eyes and raises her finger.

"Tsk tsk tsk." she says still smiling and i correct myself in anger. Trying to put off a smile. "Much better." she says and storms off the room.

To keep myself distracted and don't go after her to rip her filthy throat, i go immediately right on her order. I take a quick look at the papers. I just have to put them in alphabetical order. I raise my hand to grab the first paper and Timothy's jacket drops from my shoulders. Shit! I still have it on? How come his wife didn't notice? I have to give it back.

I go towards the heavy huge doors. I knock them three times.

"Come in." he says with his Hot British accent and my heart beats fast. His voice sounds so distant. These doors are good!

I go in and close the doors behind me.

"So eager to see me again Miss Conor." he says behind his dark mahogany desk. To my right all of his office wall is covered by bookshelves. Encyclopedias but literature too. I smile fondly. I like reading too.

The floor must me Tuscan wood. Very expensive. Behind him, there is no walls. Only two huge glass balcony doors.

"I thought that there was a low that didn't allow balconies in this hight." i say to him.

"I must be an exception then." he smiles and comes to me.

When he is close enough i take a step back and head him his jacket.

"Funny your wife didn't notice."

"I am pretty sure she did notice."

"And she didn't mind?" i ask him shocked. I would have mind. A lot.

"Mind what? A little girl was cold and like a gentleman i am, i offered her my coat." God! The way the British say what. It sounds like woot. His accent turns me on and i blush.

"That would be all." i say and i turn to leave. That moment i hear a beep and a red tiny light flushes above the door knob. "What is that?" i ask him.

"That would be me. Locking the door."

"Why would you do that?" i ask him, my breath getting heavy.

"I am not done with you." he answers me with a crooked smile.

"I have work to do... Your wife.."

"Your room is being monitored. I have cameras and i know that my wife has left. You will do what she ordered you to do after i am done with you." he says and i blush again. I swallow hard. So hard it almost hurt.

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