Chapter 15

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"Wow... You really are rich." We are inside his house now and i am speechless.

Right in front of the door, there is a small square fountain that has a statue of a mermaid combing her hair in the middle of it. The walls have all sort of paintings. Some i know some i don't. There is a huge shiny Persian carpet on the wooden floor. Hmm he really loves Tuscan wood. A few meters behind the fountain lays an enormous golden stair case. Jesus!

"I have worked for every single penny."

"I don't doubt it. " i smile at him. He smiles too and extends his arm. I grab it and the electrical shocks he sends me go straight to my... private area.

He leads me to a room that looks like a restaurant.. There are about 6 tables in the room in random places and there are 2 speakers in each of the 4 walls. There is a bar on our right and behind it there is a wall foul of drinks. The room is illuminating by a soft red light.

I turn my head and there is a stage to the left. A stage? Why does he need to have a stage in his house?

"What is this?" i ask confused.

He grins, goes behind me and removes my coat. "Come."

I do as he says and i follow him as he goes to a table right in front of the stage. We sit down and he smiles at me. He grabs his phone and he presses only tree numbers.

"Yes we are ready." he says and he hangs up. I look at him, narrowing my eyes. "What?" he asks amused.

"Are you going to tell me what kind of room is this? It looks like a bar."

"It is a bar."

"It is?!" i ask shocked, my eyes popping out.

"A strip bar. Private strip bar."

My mouth drops open. Is he serious? Does Kate know about this?

"And what do you need a strip bar in your and your wife's house?" i ask him still shocked.

"I have to entertain my buddies."

"So you an your male friends come here... Often?"


"Does Kate know?"

"She does."

"And she doesn't care?"

"She trusts me." he says and winks at me.

Right then the doors open again and a man comes in and takes his place behind the bar. Smoke starts coming from the stage. After a few minutes the man is now at our side.

"Two beers." Timothy orders.

"No!" i object. "I already had about 6 mini wine bottles." i smile at him.

"Two red wines. I am going to get you drunk." he says softly and the man leaves and goes to the bar again.

I don't answer and slow sensual music starts to play. A silver metal pole is coming up from the stage's floor. Wow.

The red curtains open and they look more red under this red lighting that illuminates the room.

A tall slim brunette comes forward moving her curvy body according to the sensual music. She wears a tiny white thong and a tiny white bikini top. Her hair are more straight than hay. How can she walk in those shoes! What are they, 16 inches? Probably..,

The man comes again and leaves our drinks. Timothy orders him to leave the room. He nods end exits.

The woman comes closer and i can see her skin. I can smell her. Her skin looks like velvet, her body, like she came out of photoshop. She smells like roses and lilac.

A Life To RememberNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ