Chapter 17

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I have already passed  three bathrooms, a game room, a library, a study and an inside garden for crying out loud! How am i supposed to find him in this house?! I am back at ground zero, the staircase... The staircase...The staircase!! Oh he is upstairs!

I run upstairs and i regret it the moment i step on the last step. Man that were a lot of steps! I lower my self and put my hands on my knees to get some air. After a few seconds i stand straight up only to lose my breath again. Right in front of me beholds one looooong red velvet carpet and goes on and on. It has numerous of doors at each of it's side. Oh you have got to be kidding me. No! That's enough. He clearly doesn't want to be found.

"What are you doing here?" i hear him saying while coming out of a room.

"Searching for you! Why did you run from me?" i ask him my voice sad.

"I had to make a call." he sounds confused raising one brow at me. I always wondered how people can do that.

"Oh i thought... That something made you upset.. Why coming in se second floor for that call of yours anyway?" He says nothing for a few seconds, he looks like i have just stepped over the line.. Have i?

"Come." he says extending his arm.

I frown at him. "Where are going?" 

"Do you want to see your room?" he asks me and he is excited and he looks like a child again. He is so much more beautiful when he is so carefree.

I grab his hand and he lead me forward. I count in total 18 doors. What the f--? He opens the very last door down the hallway. The door number 21. He opens the door and lets my hand go. I look at him with horror. It felt like a punch in the stomach. But my expression changes when i see him smiling his gorgeous smile, his eyes glowing, he looks straight inside my room.

I turn my head slowly and look inside the room. I stay frozen. It has a king sized bed right in the middle of it. From the ceiling purple and silver light curtains are hanging right on-top of the bed. Tangle with it there are some small yellow-ish lights, they look like christmas lights. The floor is covered with a fluffy purple carpet witch has grey abstract lines. On my right side there is an opening to the wall but the hanging silver lashes from the ceiling create a door. To my left there is a plasma huge T.V on a black furniture. I can see a Playstation 3 an XBOX 360 a Wii and is that a Mac?

"Go inside!" he says exited.

I do as i am told and my feet sink in the fluffy carpet. Ah this feels good. On the ceiling little lights flicker making it look like the night sky. In the room the colors purple, silver, and black are primal. How did he know? The whole room smells like Evening Primroses.  I take a shaky step towards the purple and grey lashes and i push them away with my hand and go inside. Wow. There is another big room back here. It's a closet. The colors here look like a rainbow. Shoes on the rack at the wall, dresses, coats, pants, blouses, leggings, hats, but there are no underwear and my suitcase is no where to be seen ... Wow. I turn my head and i look at him speechless.

He smiles wider. "When i came to your place i noticed that everyone was drinking water from a different color cup. You had purple." is the only thing he says. He noticed? And he understood all this from this little cup? I know i am repeating my self but... Wow.

I launch my self to him and he hugs me tight. He inhales deep into my hair and kisses my neck.

"You like it baby?" he asks.

"How can i not Mr. Davis?" i smile into his arms and giggle as he trips my knee with his hand and carries me out of the closet like a husband carries his wife the first time they enter their home. He lays me down softly on the huge bed.

"Sleep now. We need to go to the office tomorow." he tucks me in like child and turns to leave.

"Wait! We won't sleep together?"

"You got your own room.." he says raising his eyebrow.

"Oh.. I thought..."

"I sleep in the main bedroom.." he continues.

"With your wife?" i pout. He nods.

"What is she gonna say about this room?" i ask suddenly angry.

"Goodnight Katarina." he says and leaves the room.

I hear a sound coming---Oh no he didn't!!  I snap out of the bed and run to the door. I grab the doorknob and i twist it. Shit! Fuck! He locked my door! This is.!!! Argh! Why is he so fucked up? Why did he have to lock me in? Where would i go? I was so fuzzy in the car on my way here that i don't even know where his mansion is located! He is crazy! Now i defiantly look like a mistress from 1300!  See? See what i was talking about? He goes on and decorates one room in his own house depending on my favorite colors and then he locks me in this room. He calls this room <<my>> room and then does this fucking wrong thing!  And now i need to pee! Argh! I am so mad!!

I start kicking and screaming at the door. In a few minutes he comes here but he doesn't unlock.

"What?!" he sounds angry.

"Unlock this damn door! I am not a teen! I am not gonna sneak out!" i shout at him.

"Downstairs are Kate's parents. Do you mind shutting up so i can go ahead on my meeting?" he says softly but still angry.

Shit! His wife parents are here and me,the mistress, i am in the same house?! I feel so dirty..

"I need to pee. And take a shower." i say calmly now.

"Baby..." he sighs loudly. "Why didn't you say so? Open your eyes silly. There is a door in your closet. There is your own bathroom. Enjoy!"

"Wait! There are no underwear in the closet!" i protest.

"I told you, no underwear, waste of time.. And don't you dare put clothes under your robe." he says dead serious and even with a door between us i can feel my insides melting. Why does he have this effect on me? Why does this thing.. him wanting me naked 24/7 sounds so hot and sexy? "Yes Sir." i smile to myself. Oh only if you were on the other side of the door Mr.Davis, the things i would do to you. He says nothing but i can hear him leaving.

Well... There goes my anger! But he has to answer my questions. Why he won't divorce? Why does he need me then? What will Kate say about my room? Why do i have a room in their house after all?  I sigh and go on to sink in the bath and clear my self up.

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