Chapter 16

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He slides to his side, holding his weight on his elbow. He caresses my belly as i lay on my back on the wooden floor on the stage.

"So, you really do need a strip bar in your house?" i sigh and roll my eyes.

"You really seemed to enjoy it." he grins.

"It was the wine! And what happened to <<i won't share you>>?" i protest.

"I don't mind sharing you with women. You enjoyed yourself. It was... fun to watch."

"Yeah, i figured." i giggle.

"It won't happen again though." he snaps. I narrow my eyes, what happened now? He notices and he continues. "It was fun to watch yes but i don't want anyone else to experience the exquisite feeling of touching you. Women and men."

Oh... Well what can i say to that? I feel my insides getting warmer. He is always so stiff and partly rude so when he opens up he is.. irresistible.

I turn my naked body to him and with a smile i kiss him softly and i can feel him smiling under my lips. He then pushes himself away again.. Why can't that man just cuddle a little?!

"Hungry Miss Conor?" he says pushing himself up. My tummy sings the song of it's people as an answer. He smiles and motions me to get up.

I do get up but when i start searching for my clothes he stops me. "You are not gonna need those." he says serious.

"What do you mean?" i shake my head in confusion.

"You are going to wear this beige robe. Like,all the seven days you will live here." he says and points at a silky shiny beige robe that hangs freely at a back of a chair.

"Umm ok. Just let me get dressed first." i smile an awkward smile at him and turn to start searching again but he stops me again.

"What now?!" i snap at him, my eyes popping out.

"You don't understand." he says calmly still pointing at the robe. Ugh! This is so frustrating. He is completely dressed an i stand naked in front of him.

"Then make me!"

"You will be naked underneath it Katarina." he smiles still calmly. What? Why would i do that? Naked with only a robe for seven days? Is he crazy?

"Why... Why do you have to be so weird?" i throw my hands to the ceiling.

"I want to have easy access in you. No panties and bras. Such a waste of time..."

"But---" he interrupts me.

"Katarina!" he says and puts his finger on his lips motions me to shut up. "This is how it's gonna be, or take your suitcase and i tell Keith to drive you back."

Jesus! Always threatening me! Because he knows that i rather do anything than to lose him! That sexy bastard!

I make an angry face and with a sigh i furiously grab the robe and put it in. With the long lash i try and close it as tight as i can.

"You are such a submissive.. I like it. It adds a hot twist. Lets play this game all seven days long." he grins at me.

"Play what?" i ask him still angry. What is he talking about?

"Change the tone of your voice or i shall punish you my sub." he winks.

"This is not going to happen."

"You prefer to leave?"

You motherfucking assholeeeee! Why can't we have a normal cuddling love making week? Why can't he be the amazing romantic guy he was before, who slept with me through the phone and carried me with him on handsfree just to say good-morning to me? Why does he need to be above everything?

"Fine!" i snap and i turn to leave not knowing here to go in this huge place.

"Eat!" he commands and waits as he taps his foot waiting for me to go back. I roll my eyes defeated. I turn my back and i go back to him. He grabs my hand and goes forward.

"To the kitchen!" he shouts and i can't help but laugh out loud. He smiles and leeds us to the enormous kitchen.

He takes a bite out of this mouthwatering omelette Mrs. Forbes cooked for us. He wanted something quick. And all the 15 minutes that it took for his house maid to cook it, i felt embarrassed. Why do i need to be naked under that stupid robe!

My thoughts come to an end when i hear him choking with his omelette. I look up to see him and i was surprised to see that he was laughing. Hmm what did i miss?

He looks up to me and after swallowing and taking a sip of water he speaks.

"You seriously agreed on being my submissive?"

"Yes, i guess i did." i blush and drop my eyes to the half empty plate.

"But you don't want to." he says, his tone serious.

"No, i don't." i admit.

"Then why did you say yes?"

"I prefer that than losing you." i look up at him, his expression blank. He pushes his stool back an rushes beside me.

"Baby..." he whispers, his finger caressing my cheek. "I was making fun. Testing you if you like."


"I am weird. Like you said. I am married. And yet, here you are.."

"I am still considering the married part."

"Don't overthink..."

"But it does have to be over-thought. Marriage is not to be taken lightly."

"Baby.. I can't and i won't divorce."

All the blood leaves my face. My heart sinks in my chest. There it is. The answer i was waiting. But not the answer i was hopping for.

"But why do you need to be married to her? You cheat on her. You don't love her.."

"I do love her." he says frowning, looking confused.

"That is not love Mr. Davis."

"What do you know about love Miss Conor? Love is a complicated feeling. It has so many versions."

"Love is commitment. Trust. Lust. Wanting. Needing the other person in your life. Knowing that you love that person because you need him and you don't need him because you love him. Love is being there for each other. Be there in shitty and good times. Imagine a future moment in your life Mr. Davis. One moment where you have accomplish everything you ever dreamed of. Where all your dreams have come true. Who is standing next to you?"

Wow.. That was by far the longest he has ever let me speak. The deeper though i ever let escape my mouth. And it was true. That is what love is to me.

He sighs, drops his eyes to his hands with whom his is playing nervously. He looks worried and.. Venerable.

"Right at this moment, i have accomplished everything. I am in the long road of exploring so many things i never thought i would come across.You. You bring out a whole new different me Katarina.." he hesitates and his gaze locks mine, his turquoise eyes burning, a blue lava. "I know i sound rude and stupid and ignorant all the time. I know it. And you surprise me every second that you put up with me. I am a very complicated person Katarina." he stands up and hurries to leave. He stands at the kitchen door. "I have a long history and i am pretty sure it will be the only thing that would make you run. And when you will find out, i won't stop you baby. I won't i promise." and with a loud curse to the heavens he leaves the kitchen.

I am frozen, wow what was all that? Who is this person and what did he do to my Tim? The fork drops from my had and the noise startles me.

"Timothy!" i shout and i run after him.

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