Chapter 25

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"Well Mr.Davis, that was interesting." i say to him, lying to to floor breathless.

"What was?" he asks me back, both of us staring at the ceiling.

"What you did to me. And.. what you said to me during it." i reply to him, turning to my side so i can look at him. 

He clears his throat, looking uncomfortable and stands up. "Well, um... yeah. I have work to do. See you later?" he says and he literally runs out of the room.

Um... okay? I clear my throat too, feeling like i fool that after all those revelations i let him do this to me. But how could i not? That was the first time he made love to me. That was the first time he told me that he has feelings for me. Did i imagine them? i didn't. I am not  that crazy.

"FUCKING SHIT GET DRESSED!" Timothy yells at me with the entrance of his office looking horrified.

"What...? Timothy what is wrong?" i ask him shocked hoping to me feet and my heart racing. What... what happened? What did i miss?

"Kate is here." he says and my blood drains from my face.


"I am glad i find you here Katarina." Kate says to me dead serious while sipping her wine.

I stay silent not knowing what to say. She clearly knows that i know right? Should i tell her that i know? Should i tell her what a bitch she is?

"You are home early baby. If i knew Miss Conor wouldn't have been here."

"You asked her to come and stay here for one week didn't you?" Kate asks Timothy again and now i can finally see that she is upset. Oh the snake has feelings?

"No! Absolutely not! I thought we agreed not to---"

"Enough Timothy." Kate raises a finger to him. 

Why isn't he telling her? She is the one who picked me in the first place. What is her problem?

"You." she says looking at me. "I guess you already know by now. What you know is that some time ago we.. um.. had a room in this house for people" 

 Oh! I am going to bitch slap that bitch.

"What you may not know is that this room is no longer in use. We may have a certain.. lifestyle, but our house is our house and none else. So...if you somehow have used this room--"

"No!" i snap and cut her off. "I am not staying here. No. Mr.Davis showed me that room just in the sake of the tour of the house. Nothing more."

Why, oh why, am i being polite here? What is wrong with me? I should spill her wine to her face, tell her what a sick bitch she is and then sashay my way out of here. But.. that would hurt Tim. And that is the last thing i want because i know that this witch has brainwashed him.

"How many times did you fuck her and in what rooms?" Kate asks Timothy so serious and calm.

"Today or since you left?" Timothy replies and he is so calm too that i wonder if i am the only one here that is making this a big deal.

"I don't care how many times you fuck that little whore in general. I just care how many times and in what room you did it in here so i can have it cleaned."

I have to get out of here. I have to leave.

"I didn't do it in our house baby. How could i?"


"Okay! Once in the kitchen."

I pop my eyes looking at him with my what-the-fuck-are-you-talking-about look. But he is just so calm and serious that i really do wonder if he is brain damaged. What's the problem? She knows about everything. It was her fucking idea from the start. And why isn't Timothy defending me? The way she talks to me is something i don't even allow my friends to do.

"I'll call my people. And please take her to her home. Her perfume is making me sick."

"Come." Timothy says to me and without extending his arm or anything i have to follow him. And i do. Nodding to Kate as i leave and getting a roll of her eyes i leace the living room. I am behind him and at the moment we are at the stairs he stops. His back is turned to me and he speaks.

"I am so sorry of what happened in there."

"Me too."

"I will tell her someday."

"I wish when the day comes that i will be here to listen to it."

"Please." he says and turns to look at him. His eyes look so hurt and i can see he is in pain. "Just.. give me some time. Please."

"Will do. Because i lo--- um..OK I have to go. Sent my stuff?"

"Will do." he says and smiles. "See you at the office?"

"Yes." i smile back and get out of the sick, sick, sick house of theirs

******** i am so sorry for the short chapter but my laptop is so low in battery! Anyway I wish you all a Happy New Year full of happiness, health, and love!*****

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