Chapter 9

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My glow vanishes completely when i see the face of my mother. She is grumpy and angry.. But why?

"Goodmorning.." i say, my voice and attitude prepared of an incoming rage.

"Hey." she says sharply without turning her eyes off the floor, which she is moping to look at me.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing of your consern!" she turns to look at me, her eyes blazing with fury. Whoa there... She shakes her head.

"Nothing, i'm sorry. I just got into a fight with your father.."

My eyes pop out. WHAT? They never fight!

"What about?"

"Well Steven wanted a chocolate cake this afternoon. You know how long it's been since we ate a cake? Very long!" she asks and answers her own question. "Well, i told your father to buy one small cake, just for the sake of it, so the whole family can eat a sweet after all this time." she continues, "But you know your father! He says we have other priorities. And i get that. I know that. But come on! We have forgotten how to live! The kid just want some cake!" she goes on throwing her hands at the ceiling.

"Mom, it's ok. I will get the cake. And not a small one! A big one!"

Damn it! Me and my big mouth! I haven't got payed yet.. Motherfuc---

"Oh you will baby?!" she says happily clapping her hands like a toddler.

"Yes i will." i answer and she hugs me.

In the safeness of her hug, knowing that she can't see me, i frown. Nice! Now i have to let down not only my brother, but my mother too.

Hmm.. And idea strikes me and one light bulb lights above my head. What if i borrow some money from Tim? Hmm..i can do that. Can't i? It will be a low amount of money. Just for a cake.. Yes i can do that.

"Ummm Mom.. You have to let me get dressed and go to work.." i smile still in her tight hug. She lets go immediately and beams down at me glowing with happiness. I smile at her and leave to my room in order to get dressed.

I don't have much clothes... I decide to go with my black thick leggings, my grey high heel leather boots and for the top i chose a beige top, witch is kind of uneven. The right shoulder is out but the left is in. The right side is longer and the left size is shorter. It leaves my behinds almost uncovered and i wonder what will that, do to Timothy.

To accessorize it i pick a beige scarf with brown details.

Perfect. I foam my red curls to keep them in place. Today i feel happy and curious about what the day holds me. I pick a cherry colored lipstick and i put mascara and eyeliner on my top eyelids and only eye pencil on my bottom eyelids.


I take a few steps back and i gaze at myself.

Wow. I look... Good. Beautiful. This has never happened before.

Oh Mr. Davis, what do you do to me?

I launch my self out of my room straight to the living room. I grab my black knee-length coat and after i shout "Bye mom! Have a nice day!" i shut the door behind me.

While driving to work my stomach does weird noises and sounds like a chubacabra. Shit! I forgot to eat.. Well, i have to wait utill launch.

Thank the Lord, it didn't have traffic so i arrive at work a lot earlier and my heart leaps to my feet. I am going to see him. I am going to see him.

I get out of my car and the cold sharp breeze makes me shiver. This winter is going to be nasty. I go straight to the building door without staying one second to look at the view. It's so cold.

I open the doors and the warmth immediately strikes my face. Oh that is a wonderful feeling.

"Good morning Greta!" i smile at her weaving my hand. She looks at me shocked blinking her eyes rapidly.

"Miss Conor?" she asks.

"Yes Greta. Is something wrong?" i ask her, the shock in my voice high too. What is wrong? What happened? My eyes scan the lobby.

"Nothing.. Just..." she hesitates.

"Let it out Greta!" i shout at her but my tone is polite.

"You look dashing!" she says smiling.

Oh... Oh... OH! Do i now? A compliment.. From a beautiful woman, to me?

"Thanks. You too.." i say and i blush. She nods, her eyes still popping out. I nod to her too and go to the elevators.

When i get in in press the 32t floor. In my mind, the memories of what i did here last time, come back. I blush and shake my head.

The elevator stops at the 20th floor and Joe comes in. He smiles to me and stands in front of me.

"Joe? Hey." i greet him. His head turns in the speed of light. He looks at me from head to toe and his jaw falls to the floor. What is it now?

"Red?" he asks shocked.

"Yes. Hey Joe." i smile.

"You are so hot!" he says, his eyes popping out. Second today! I am on a roll!

"Why thank you Sir. You don't look bad yourself." i smile and he smirks.

Joe is very attractive. He is brunette. Bright yellow-ish eyes, the color of melted butter. His jaw line is highlighted by his 3-days-unshaved beard. He wears a white shirt and dark blue jeans with brown shoes. His cologne is filling the elevator.

He comes closer and makes me take step back so my back is closer to the wall.

"You think i look good?" he says lustily giving me a crooked smile. My mouths open, then closes again.

His effect on me is not even close to the effect Tim has on me. But he is attractive and he smells good. I can't deny that.

"Yes." i whisper to him.

He takes my hand, takes a few steps back and stares at me.

"Make a turn." he orders with his finger, doing circles in the air motioning me.

I bow and smile to him beginning to make my ballerina turn. I start spinning slowly, one time, two, three. He gazes at me licking his full lips and motioning me to do it again, and again and again.

I feel dizzy and suddenly the doors open. That took me by surprise because i was focusing on not kissing the floor, so i shake like someone shot me and with my back i fall to his arms. He hugs me by my waist. His hands on my belly. He giggles in my ear and i giggle too like a child.

"WHAT. THE. FUCK." i hear Timothy shouting.

We both turn our heads to the, now opened, elevator doors.

Here he is, Timothy, his face red, his eyes full of anger, staring at us, panting like a maniac.

I turn and look at Joe, and in seconds i realize how this must be looking.

Oh no! Oh Jesus! No no no! Shit!

I snap and free myself from Joe who is shocked at Timothy for some reason.

"Miss Conor. My office. A.S.A.P" He snaps and turns his back on us. I swallow hard and step out of the elevator.

Joe winks at me completely calm and presses the doors closed.

I stand there like an idiot looking at Timothy who is looking mad at me. He saw Joe winking at me too.

Fuck, i'm doomed.

I take a scared step forward and prepare myself for his wrath.

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