Start from the beginning

"It's okay that you're behind. Marie you learning everything all at once. You just started two years ago after having not to go you're whole life. And you're from another universe so on top of learning the functions of this world." Carol assures her with a smile.

"And the fact I haven't gotten any friends ever since I entered the school." Marie sighed, with a sad look. "The only friends I had were Robin, Wally, and Gale. And it was only now that Aqualad and I starting talking like we're friends and not just sidekicks. I think M'gann is my friend, I don't know about Artemis and Superboy though. But even with that, I have no friends that aren't superheroes."

"You're right you don't have friends that aren't in the hero thing."

"But no one in that school likes me. They think that I'm weird. And I don't want to be friends with them either. They're boring."

"You can't hold everything to the standard of what you get with Wally and Robin." Carol laughed. "Of course they're not going to be as interesting as them, but you need to find people who have similar interests that Robin and Wally don't share with you. What is something that you like that they don't like?"

"Um..." Marie thought for a second. "I don't know."

"Don't you have that garden that you've been growing since you moved here on the balcony?" Carol questioned her.

"Yeah, but that's not-"

"Join you're school gardening club or make one. I'm sure that there will be someone who shares that with you." Carol suggests to the girl before she nods at a store to go into. "Now come on, let's go do some shopping."

"Urg!" Marie complains as she walks through the door of the store. But as they move into the store the feeling of being looked at came back.

When the two came out of the store, Marie had convinced Carol that they had all they need and they should go back home.

"So do you really think that other people like gardening?" Marie questioned, but before Carol could answer her boyfriend's adopted daughter, they heard thundering sounds coming from behind them.

As the two turned around slowly a voice is heard from above them, "I am Eiram Nipul! And you Marie Lupin have made my life a living-"

"EXCUSE ME!" Marie exclaimed at the top of her lungs, as she tilts her head back looking at how high the girl was on top of her podium. "I CAN'T HEAR YOU WHEN YOU'RE THAT HIGH UP."

"Go change," Carol told the young hero, "Hurry back, I'm going to call Hal." Marie rushed off while Eiram was complaining about how Marie ruins everything. Marie quickly changed into Spirit and flew up to the woman's height. 

"Hullo." Spirit greeted with a smile, mocking the woman's accent. Spirit had noticed that there was a slightly British tone to it as she spoke. "Why must I have the pleasure of meeting you?"

Eiram was taken but by this girl flying right in front of her, in a silver and grey suit. "What in Godic's name? Who are you?! Where's Marie Lupin!"

"Lupin?" Spirit repeated, "Who the hell is Marie Lupin?"

"It's that girl that just ran away like the coward she is." Eiram just points towards to where Carol and Marie once stood.

Spirit looks towards where Eiram had pointed and turned back to her with a shrug, "Huh, it looks like she left. Well, I guess that means you should be going now."

"You're right, I should go look for her. I've been after this girl for my whole life." Eiram reveals to her.

"You're whole life?" Spirit questioned. "Are you like twenty-something? I saw the girl you are 'hunting' and she looks about thirteen."

"Mhm. I was thinking more eleven/ twelve. She still looks like a kid to me, barely a teenager." Eiram told her, Spirit narrowed her eyes at the woman instantly losing her cool.

"Hey don't call me a kid, I look old for my age, lady!" Spirit exclaimed with a slight whine in her voice. Eiram's eyes widen as does Spirit's once they both realized what the younger girl had just said. Spirit nervously laughed as she backed herself away from the woman. "I mean that don't call her a kid. That she looks old for her age. You know what forget I said anything." 

"You're Marie Lupin?" Eiram said with her eyes turning into slits. The earth cracks open and several pillars of stone came flying up at the sidekick.

"Again who the hell is Marie Lupin!" Spirit exclaimed as she dodges the pointy pillars. "That's not my name!"

"You don't remember who you are!" Eiram laughed.

"Hey lady I do know who I am, you're the one who's eating the crazy sugar," Spirit shouted as she narrowly moves out the way of another stone wall. " Anyway, what I ever do to you, rocky. I've never seen you a --"

Spirit was cut short as she got hit by a pillar out of nowhere, and she was thrown off course, she let out a shout of surprise as she tries to catch herself before she hits anything else, Spirit steady herself in the air as she faces the villain.

"You and I are the same. But at the same time nothing like." Eiram said with so much hate in her voice. "You have this perfect life, everywhere you land you get a family that loves that you, and I get nothing."

"How is that, my fault lady." Spirit retorts. "You not being likable seems like it should be your problem doesn't it?"

Eiram just screamed and several more stone pillars came up from the ground, Spirit hissed in a mocking tone, before sending a gust of wind towards her opponent, Eiram dodges the teen's futile attempts, Spirit laughs as she narrowly missing the villains' attacks.

"So you're my opposite? That cool. Oh! I just noticed, EIRAM is MARIE spelled backward! Or is Marie just Eiram backward?" Spirit rambled, speaking whatever came to her mind. "So you know what's happening to me? Do you know how to get back to Ninjago?"

"NINJAGO?!" Eiram exclaimed with fury. "You want to go back to NINJAGO! I've spent half of my life trying to get back home and you want to go back to Ninjago?"

"Okay, lady! I don't know half the things you're saying! You need to explain a few things for me. So we're on the same page." Spirit told her.

"NEVER!" Eiram screamed multiple pieces of the stone pillars break off and Eiram started to throw themself at Spirit.

Spirit huffed at this, she held out her hands and created a large tornado around her as a shield from the rumble, as it gets caught in the tunnel. With a smirk, Spirit sends the rocks back at the twenty-some-year-old lady.

Eiram yelp with surprise as she takes hits from her own attacks. After the 'smoke clears' and Spirit looks around to see that Eiram had fled.

"Looks who the coward now." Spirit mutters, "And now I'm left more questions in my already messed up life." Spirit then notices the mass destruction Eiram left below them. With cars turned up and the ground disfigures with the large stone pillars and wall. "And she also left me with a mess I have to explain to Glow Stick about. Urg why can't things be easy."

Spirit (Young Justice Fan Fic): COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now