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Chelsea was angry, she had a plan. She was going to move away and have a new life with her children and now Iain has stopped her.

He had got a court order stopping her from leaving with their kids. She was red to literally kill him for it. He is the one who had cheated and ruined them and because Of it, because of what he did.

She was angry and Chelsea knew that she physically wanted to kill him for it. She hated him. Chelsea sat in the house as she feed chase and smiled as she kissed the top of his head, she knew that her children were what was keeping her sane and it wasn't easy.

Chelsea smiled as Ariel walked into the bedroom and climbed onto the bed "are you okay princess?" Chelsea asked as Ariel looked to her

"I miss daddy" she said as Chelsea smiled. She knew Ariel wasn't stupid and how she was a daddy's girl

"I know you do baby, you will see him soon, okay?" Chelsea said as Ariel pouted "it's not fair, I want him home" she said as she stormed off to her room and slammed the door.

Chelsea sighed to herself feeling annoyed knowing that she was dealing with a stroppy toddler and a teething baby alone and knowing Iain dean was the last person she wanted to contact over it all

Chelsea got to work and saw Madison and smiled "are you okay?" Madison asked as Chelsea looked to her and sighed

"well other than the fact I want to kill the father of my children I'm all good, how could he do this. We had plans and he was only with them, he said he was and then he goes to his lawyer and stops me all he had to do was say he didn't want me to take them. As much as he hurt me I wouldn't take his kids away if he didn't tell me, I just can't believe he'd do this. I thought we had more respect for each other but I guess not" Chelsea said as Madison looked to her and smiled

"I know, I know it's hard but you have two children to think over, don't cause a war with him because of it, I know he slept with someone else and he hurt you but for Ariel and chase you need to try and get along with Iain. He is their father after all" Madison said as Chelsea looked to her and smiled

"I know" Chelsea said knowing Madison was right and that she needed to try and sort thing with Iain and be decent for the sake of their children

she knew that she owed that to them. Chelsea knew it was the best thing to do

Chelsea walked into the ambulance bay as she saw Iain. She looked to him and sighed "we need to talk, we have kids together Iain and you are scum for breaking my heart" Chelsea said as Iain looked to her and sighed

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to but I can let you take my kids away" Iain said as she looked to him and sighed

"why could you just talk to me, you were okay with it and then you weren't. Why couldn't you tell me iain after all we have been through" she said as he sighed

"your right okay, I was trying to be okay but I couldn't. I couldn't loose you or the kids. I love you still Chelsea" Iain said as she looked to him and smiled as she placed a hand on his cheek and smiled as she leant in and kissed him.

He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close as they kissed passionately but what did it mean for them now?

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