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A week had passed since, Chelsea had returned to the ED. Must to Madison trying to convince chelsea to tell is in about Ariel, she couldn't. She didn't want Iain to hate her as deep down she knows that she values what he thinks a bit her more than anyone else she knew that she was still in love with her. Chelsea stood next to the kettle as she reboiled it for the third time "mummy?" Ariel said running in. Chelsea pulled herself out of the thought she was having a picked up Ariel. She was defiantly Iain's daughter, she was his double "what is it baby?" Chelsea asked "I make you a picture" Chelsea smiled as she took the drawing Ariel had done "who is it baby?" "My daddy....I draw it so he come back" Ariel said and Chelsea sighed as she brushed the hair out of her face. It broke her heart as she heard Ariel talk of the daddy that she forever wanted. Chelsea brushed the hair out of her face and smiled at her "mummy will sort it, okay baby" Chelsea said. She didn't know shat she was going to do, bit she knew she didn't have a right to stand between Ariel and Iain, it had been three years and they had a right to know. Chelsea kissed Ariel's head "wove you mummy" "I love you too baby"


Chelsea headed into work, it was her day off but she needed to head in to pick something up. She hoped Iain was on a call out, she didn't want him to see Ariel, not until she worked out how to tell him. Chelsea walked in and Ariel followed her "auntie Madi" Ariel said as she ran over to Madison. Madison picked her up and hugged her, Ariel adored Madison and it was cute to see how she react around Madison. Chelsea walked into the locker room as she grabbed something out of her locker. She walked back into the ED, to see Ariel giggling at cal. "Come on Missy" Chelsea said "but I want to say mummy" Ariel said "you have a party to get to ,come on" Chelsea said as Ariel pouted. Chelsea rolled her eyes realizing just how much she looked like Iain when she pouted. "Come on" Chelsea said taking her little hand in hers. Unaware that Iain had spotted Ariel.

Iain stood in the doorway, he watched as Ariel and Chelsea walked out. He felt as I'd he had his heart in his mouth. He knew by looking at Ariel that she was his, he wasn't stupid he had done the maths on his head and she was his double. He needed the confirmation though.  Iain spotted cal and madison, they were standing and flirting. Iain walked over to Madison "I need to speak to you" he said  "sire" Madison said as they walked over to the side "Chelsea's daughter?" "Ariel...what about her" "is she mine" Iain asked and Madison sighed "your asking the wrong person, ask Chelsea" Madison said and Iain sighed. He wanted to know the truth.

After his shift, Iain headed to chelseas. He knocked on the door and she answered. She paled as she looked at him "Iain?" "I need answers Chelsea and I'm not leaving until you tell me the truth" Iain said and Chelsea sighed and nodded.

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