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A/n Madison Clarke and Autumn-rose knight belong to the slutface _X_Sammii_X_

Chelsea sighed to herself as she stood outside of the ED. She was scared, scared of returning to the ED. Scared of it all coming crashing down A part of her never told Iain as she was scared, she felt rejected by him and left. She wanted to punish him deep down. Chelsea walked into the ED and sighed as she seen cal, he looked st her then looked away before he looked up at her again and smiled "Chelsea?" He said and Chelsea smiled at her best friends boyfriend "cal" Chelsea said as cal walked over and hugged her "your bsck?" "Yeah I am" chelsea said smiling. Her smiled dropped as she spotted her cousin Alicia across the room " chels, oh my god IRS so good to see you" Alicia said and Chelsea bite her lip. Her blood boiling. Chelsea walked over to Alicia and slapped her "go of hell slut" Chelsea said before she walked away. She really had made an entrance returning to the ED.

Chelsea wanted to see Iain and avoid Alicia. Alicia was lucky that she only slapped her for what she did. She saw cal "you look good chels" cal said "thanks you look...older" Chelsea joked. Cal laughed "yeah well, things chance". Chelsea went off to find iain. She needed to find him as soon as possible. Chelsea walked towards the ambulance park, she could see Iain playing basketball, that was her and Iain's thing they always. Playing basketball "oi slut" chelsea heard someone say. Chelsea smirked to herself, she only knew one person who called her that. Chelsea turned around and looked to her best friend, Madison. "Madi" Chelsea said "hi stranger" Madison said and Chelsea smiled at her as she walked over and hugged her. Madison smiled "what brings you back?" Madison asked "its a long story" Chelsea said as she glanced over to iain "I'm guessing it has something to do with him" "yep"

Madison and Chelsea hugged again. They had missed each other so much.  "Its good seeing you hoebag" "thanks dicksucker" Madison smiled. They watch Iain as he played basketball. "Guess who's now a mummy?" Madison said "who?" "Me" Chelsea grinned "me too. A little girl Ariel, she's just turned three" Chelsea told her best friend. Madison looked at Chelsea "three? Hold up that means that her dad is..." "Over there playing basketball" Chelsea said glancing to iain "does he know?" Madison asked. Chelsea chuckled "no, Iain doesn't know a thing, when I I left he forgot all about me, he let Rita humiliate me in front of the whole ED Madi, you have no idea what its taken me to come back, I was sex for him that's it" Chelsea said. Madison placed a hand on her arm "that's not true chels, you were more than that, he was looking for you... Is it why you left because you were pregnant" Madison asked "I found out a week afterwards" Chelsea said " I know you still love him, otherwise you wouldn't of slept with him if you didn't"

Chelsea glared "you know me so well" "oh I know my how" Chelsea grinned. They stood watching Iain some more. Chelsea wanted to go over and talk to him "go over there and talk to him then" "I can't" Chelsea said "you can't avoid him forever" "I'm a coward Madi" Chelsea said as the ball bounced over in their direction. It stopped next to Chelsea's feet and she picked it up. Madi pushed her forward slightly where he was walking. He froze as he looked at Chelsea "chels?" "Hi" Chelsea said as she looked at him, her feelings coming rushing back.

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