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Chelsea stood in front of the mirror as she did her make up as ariel came running in "mummy?" ariel called. Chelsea turned to face ehr and picked her up and smiled, she couldnt beleive how much she was like iain "what is it baby?" "where daddy" ariel asked "daddy doesnt live here baby" chesea said and ariel pouted "why not, do you not love daddy" Ariel alsed and chelsea sighed "its not htat easy baby, go and get dressed baby, i have to take you to nursery beofre mummy goes to work" "with daddy?" "yes, i work with daddy come on ariel" chelsea said "okay mummy" ariel said as she ran off and get ready. Chelsea sighed to herself, she knew just how much ariel loved iain and it made her feel guilty knowing that she had been he one to keep them apart. Chelsea felt as if she had been hit by a truck, she knew that she was suffering from a hangover and had had to much to drink.


After dropping Ariel off at pre school, Chelsea headed to work. She worked into the staff room as Iain smiled at her "you alright trouble?" he asked her "shut it" Chelsea said and Iain smirked "too much to drink now?" he asked "i hate you" Chelsea said "not what you were saying last night" Iain said "what? what did I say?" Chelsea asked  as Iain tapped the end of his nose and walked off. Chelsea groaned to herself and rested her head against the locker as Madison walked in "that bad huh?" Madison asked and Chelsea looked at her "you have no idea" Chelsea said "what is it?" "what happened last night, I cant remember, and Iain said I said something but don't remember" Chelsea said and Madison smirked to her "you really don't remember?" "will someone tell me what happened?" Chelsea asked frustrated. Madison smirked at her "alright...alright ill tell you, you had wasted, and I mean wasted, chels, I had to carry you home, Iain but you to bed and...." "and?" "you said that you still loved him?" Madison said and Chelsea paled "holy shit" Chelsea said as she ran her hands through her hair. She knew that she had messed up by getting to drunk, she knew it was true but she had been avoiding the thought of it, and she knew what Iain was thinking, she knew he would possibly want to try again. Chelsea didn't know if she wanted to do that though, she didn't know what she wanted.


Chelsea felt sick at knowing what she had said drunk. She had spent the day avoiding Iain, and walking away from him whenever he was in the room. Chelsea stood in the car park as she needed a breather as lain walked out "you have been avoiding me?" Iain said and Chelsea looked to him "and?" "and is it anything to do with what you said last night, I gather that Madison has told you what you said" Iain said as Chelsea sighed "i don't know what to say to you Iain, its not that easy as getting together, I have Ariel and---" "we have Ariel, we made her together, please Chelsea can we talk about this all, about us, being a family" Iain asked and Chelsea nodded, she knew she wanted to try.

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