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Chelsea stood from her bed, she looked to see that she had slept with Iain. She couldn't believe had allowed things to get like that. "hey" Iain said as she started to get dressed. Chelsea smiled to him "where are you going?" Iain asked "im going to pick Ariel up" "can I come, I want to meet her" Chelsea sighed "she's my daughter Chelsea" "this coming from the man that loves kebabs, messing around and drinking in the pub" Chelsea said as she slid her top on. Iain smirked to her and grabbed her arm "if I am not mistaken before we had sex and made OUR daughter, it was you and me who were at the pub and im sure sharing a kebab lead to Ariel" Iain said. Chelsea sighed as she ran her had through her hair and looked to him. "she has your puppy eyes, ill go and get her and you can meet her" "thank you" Iain said as he kissed her. Chelsea smiled, she didn't know what was going on between her and Iain but she did want him in Ariel's life.


Chelsea got home with Ariel and unlocked the door. She spotted Iain in the kitchen "mummy who's that" Ariel asked as Iain walked over "this is your daddy" Chelsea said as Iain bend down next to her "hiya" Iain said and Ariel looked at Iain with interest "you my daddy?" Ariel asked " I am" Iain said as Chelsea walked towards the kitchen and looked to them. She wiped away a tear from her eye "you wont weave again?" Ariel asked "im not going anywhere" Iain said as Ariel hugged him. It pained Chelsea seeing how quick a bound developed and knowing see was the one to blame for three years going to miss. 


A week had past since Iain and Ariel had met and they were developing their relationship as father and daughter and Chelsea was glad. Chelsea stood at work as Madison walked over "hey, I need a night out do you fancy it?" Madison asked "maddi, I haven't been out  since before I had Ariel" "she's three, come on chels. you were my party girl back in the day, Cal is going to have autumn let Iain have Ariel and you can let your hair down" Madison said and Chelsea smiled "ill talk to him, hes on a call out" "what's going on with you two anyways?" Madison asked and Chelsea sighed "Once I know for myself ill let you know" Chelsea said as she spotted Iain walking in. She smiled and walking over to the patient as he handed her the file "Jayde miller, looks to be a broken ankle" Iain said and Chelsea nodded. She read through the file as jez wheeled her into the Ed. Chelsea grabbed Iain's arm "how would you feel about me and Madison going out and you looking after Ariel?" Chelsea asked "sure" Iain said "you sure" "Chelsea, your a mum but you are still the party girl I fell in love once upon a time, go and Ariel will be fine with me" Chelsea smiled she knew she was being overprotective.


Chelsea stood at the bar as she downed another drink. It felt good for her to let her hair down. She felt the buzz hit her and Maddison frowned, She spotted how wasted Chelsea had forgotten and since Chelsea hadn't drank in years, she was getting drunk quicker. Madison lead Chelsea into her house where Iain and Cal were sitting "Iain, im sorry she drank too much" Madison said as Iain walked over to Chelsea and grabbed her waist "come on, bed" he said to Chelsea "depends are you coming...god your hot. Id do you here right now" Chelsea said as she grabbed lain shirt in her fist. Iain rolled his eyes as he helped her to bed. "get some sleep" Iain said to her "lain" "Chelsea" "i never stopped loving you" Chelsea slurred. Iain smiled, wondering if she would remover what she said in the morning.

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