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Chelsea sighed and nodded, iain walked in and crossed his arms over his chest looking to chelsea "dont look at me ,like that iain" chelsea said "like what chels, like youve kept MY daughter from me for three years, well sorry for being mad but you should of told me, unless shes not mine" Iain said. Chelsea frowed "of course shes bloody yours iain, what do you take me for, dont you think itwas bad enough that i slept with you never mind the fact that YOU cheated on rita with me, yes i never should of slept with you, but you di all of the running. I was embarrassed in front of the whole of the ED, while she called me, cheap, a tart, everything and do you know what you did. You stood there and you let her, i had no choie but to leave. I didnt know i was pregnant when i left, and frankly if i did i wouldnt of told you, you treated me like crap iain" chelsea said. Iain looked at her "shes my daughter" "you were never suppose to find out about her" chelsea yelled. Iain looked at her, he coulsnt believe what she was telling him "no, you cant do that chelsea. I am her father i have a right to be in her life, you had no right to keep me out of it. I would of been there for you, for both of you" iain said.

Chelsea ran her hands through her hair and sighed "dont you get it iain, i didnt want you i was so mad at you, for what you did to me. You let me leave, you never stopped me. You choose rta over me" chelsea said "no i didnt" "what?" "you dont know what happened, i left rita. I wanted to make things work with you, why do you think we ended up in bed together chels. I loved you cheslea, I loved you from the moment i set eyes on you and when you left i thought its what you wanted so i let you go. I havent looked at anyone in three years, its you its always been you" iain said as chelsea looked at iain shocked "you loved me?""yes, i did and i still do and i dont know wh becuase the chealsea i knew would of never of done this" iain said. Chelsea felt tears form in her eyes. She slapped iain across the face, Iain held his stinging cheek and looked at chelsea  with so much hate "you really are a cow" iain said "i  do what i have to do to survive" chelsea siad as she and iain looked at each other before they jumped at each othher, their lips fought for dominace as iain pushed chelsea up against the wall as they pulled their clothes off of each other "i hate you" cheslea said as iain kissed her neck "trust me, the feeling is mutual" iain said as they fell back onto the sofa, cheslea pulled iain down with her as he grabbed a condom out of his wallet and slid it on.

Iain slid the condom onto his hardened member and pushed int ochelsea, Chelsea moaned loudly as iain started to move in and out of her. She dug her nails into iains back hard, scratching him hard. Iain bite into her neck causing chelsea to moan. After they climaxed, Chelsea rested her head onto his chest "i want to be in her life cheslea" iain said and chelsea nodded "i wont stop you, but i still hate you" "i hate you too, trust me i have so much anger for you right now" iain said.

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