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Chapter 45

You need to realize

After passing the board exam, Trixie's goal is to find a job and luckily, their group all applied and was accepted in Co's Industries, the company owned by James Christian Co's parents which is soon to be his.

Trixie was in her first week in her job as part of the Civil Engineering department.

At eight sharp, Trixie left her desk and took the elevator to the ground floor, walking out of the building and seeing Carlo's car parked right at the front. He exits the car, clad in a suit himself, just to open the door for Trixie and she only smiles, thanking him as she sat in and buckled up.

"So, where are you taking me?" Trixie asks, the atmosphere comfortable.

"To dinner, obviously," Carlo says as he makes a turn. "I never got around to doing that earlier."

So to dinner, they go. Trixie didn't quite know how to feel and she didn't quite know if Carlo genuinely wanted to talk with her over some fancy food, or did he run out of ideas on where to take her out on a date. Or is this perhaps his way of thinking of having a mature date because most of the other ones they had included going out to watch bad horror movies and then crashing at a fast food place afterward. Sounds a bit childish compared to this.

But sometimes, when you're with the person you spent years being best friends with, you just click with him anywhere you go as long as you're with him.

Carlo parks his car and Trixie exits on her own before the other can get the door for her. In return, as they walk to the restaurant, Carlo opens the door for Trixie and lets her go inside. Trixie looks around while Carlo checks for the prior reservation he had made.

An employee leads Carlo and Trixie to their table, thankfully a bit vacant from the other tables and nicely set up with silverware, candles, and expensive-looking napkins. Carlo pulls the chair for Trixie and she nods thankfully with a smile as she sat down. After Carlo did as well, a waiter approached them and gave them their menus.

"Would you like to order right away?" The waiter asks as he gets his pen ready and Carlo hums a little. "What would you like, Trix?" He asks.

Trixie's eyes scan over the menu, over the many complicated and foreign names to the foods she's not familiar with. Despite so many things on the menu, they managed to order the food and in the end, they settled for some white wine on the side. Trixie looks around and realizes the place is quite full.

"How'd you manage to make the reservation for today? The place looks packed," she said.

"Oh, that's because I made a reservation last week," Carlo elaborates. "I was gonna take you out so we can make up for the time we lost because we were so busy with our jobs. A break like this won't hurt so much right, Engineer?"

The waiter comes back and pours them their wine before leaving. Carlo and Trixie clink glasses with no toast and they sit in silence for a moment.

"Why an exclusive restaurant, though?" Trixie asks suddenly and Carlo's eyes widen, a light panic in them. "Scared of the media? One of the country's hottest bachelors, dating someone?" Trixie teased him because Carlo has been always on the tv for the past months for being the youngest, most successful entrepreneur, dealing with investments from different people, both local and international.

Carlo flushes a little and rubs the back of his neck nervously. "W-Well, I wanted to try to impress you," he paused and speaks again. "And James recommended this place and I didn't want to miss an opportunity. I knew you'd always go as long as you're with me, right?" he says, smirking.

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