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Chapter 28


Just when Trixie thought everything is going fine, she received an email that their grades for the first semester can now be seen in the portal. She quickly rose from her bed, got her laptop from her desk, and opened it. She types the link on the search bar, paused for a while before she logs in.

Please. Just this one.

She wished as if doing that will bring some miracle that could make her grades better even if she knew that it's posted already.

GWA: 1.7532

"Holy shit!" she screams so loud that she doesn't care even if her mother heard her cursing downstairs. She felt the rush of relief taking over her system because, for months, she felt like she fucked up the first semester, yet here she was, going to the second semester without any failing grade.

"Shit!" she says again, looking at the monitor closely to make sure she's not imagining things. She automatically dialed Zion's number, and she feels giddy that he answers on the first ring.

"I made it!" she says, happily and she heard a giggle from the other line. "I told you to just trust yourself right?" Zion says.

"I know, I'm just- You know how I overthink things," Trixie answers. "What's yours?" she asked.

"One point three," Zion answers, his voice almost a whisper. "Louder, please? Say it with pride," Trixie teases him. She knows Zion isn't the kind to brag about his achievements but she can't help pushing him to the edge because Zion deserves recognition for being so smart in everything. "One point three," he repeats.

"Yay!" Trixie says, and she heard a click on her door to see Grace peaking in. Trixie waves her hand to her sister to come closer and angles her laptop to show the monitor while her phone is still on her left ear. "Congrats to us, idiot!" she says, her energy still up. "All the sleepless nights were worth it!"

"And this means celebration right?" Zion asked her.

Trixie nods even if Zion can't see her, "Yup."

Grace stood straight after seeing the screen and hugs Trixie. "Congrats, Trix." She hugs her younger sister and raised a brow on Trixie as if asking who she was talking to. "Zion?" Grace opens her mouth to say the word without a sound. Trixie nods and bits her lip, cheeks flustered.

Even Grace, knew that Trixie and Zion have become closer than ever. Krishna miraculously stopped shipping them both but Trixie won't get away with her other friends' way of teasing the two especially Grey and Franco.

Grace left the room and Trixie's back talking with Zion, "Sorry, Grace was here. She probably heard me shouting when I saw my grades," she explained.

"Hmm," Zion says. "This calls for a celebration right?" he asked. "I'll be there," he adds.

"What? Now? It's almost seven and mom won't-" she tries to say but the line went dead.

Feeling constricted, she washed her face, brushed her teeth and pulls her grey sweater from her closet- well it was Zion's because he forgot bringing it at home when they were reviewing at Trixie's house but when Trixie brought it at school the next day to give it back to him, Zion told her that it's hers now.

"Guess what?" Trixie beams at her mom. "One point seventy-five for the first semester!" she says and her mom smiles widely at her. "Congrats baby, Grace, and I are very proud," she replies, her voice sweet.

"By the way, I'll be out for a while. Promise I'll be home before-"

"I know, take care baby," her mom answers, and Trixie's shocked because how her mom could know when she's just about to tell her that she'll be out.

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