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Chapter 17


Trixie's breathing stopped for a while before she realizes that Carlo actually messaged her. There shouldn't be anything to be surprised about since they already cleared things out but Trixie has long accepted that anything involving Carlo would always affect her.

Though it's nice that Carlo initiated the conversation, she also thought that Carlo just wanted to help her. When they were kids, both of them had the same dream. That someday, they will be Civil Engineers but unfortunately, destiny wasn't on Carlo's side and he was told by his parents to take Business Administration for the sake of their business.

And even if he didn't take the same course as Trixie, Carlo has always been the one that excels in Math and received special awards every school year when they were in high school. He always joins different contests to bring pride to Wisdom Colleges. His ability on numbers is admirable that he always wins these competitions. She suddenly remembers that in every achievement that Carlo makes, Trixie has always been the first person he'll celebrate his wins with because his wins will always be her wins too.

Trixie smiled a little at the memory.

So this time around, it wouldn't be so different right?

Just like the old times.

old times.

Trixie thought about how these memories will always be one of her favorites. All of it would always be memories she'll hold on to even if she moves on because those were the times that she felt genuinely happy for her best friend. Though right now, there would surely be a change in their friendship, Trixie realizes that nothing remains constant in any aspect of life. It's like a series of predictable patterns of change, and the only constant factor will be our feelings and attitudes towards it. A person might not change as much as the others, but it still boils down to the fact that change will always be there, Trixie thought.

@ CarloAG

need help?

She opens the message, thinking of what response to type but she kept erasing it every time she'll type and attempt to send it.


I'm done reviewing

I'm just not confident about what I know lol

you know me

Trixie bit her lower lip, as she looks into her screen, a little anxious because she thought she responded much when it's only a message from Carlo. But then again, she's just trying to converse just like before so she tries to ignore the feeling. Right after sending the message, she receives a message.

@ CarloAG

tell me which topic

you're unsure of

I can help you

uh, it's about Chem

we're at stoichiometry

@ CarloAG

let me send you some examples

just like what we alwasy do

answer then I'll check


"Andreanna!" Trixie looks away from her phone, her eyes darted on her door as she heard her mom calling her name downstair. "Dinner's ready!" Trixie looks back on her phone.

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