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Chapter 1


Trixie enjoyed being with Carlo. Maybe too much.

In a way that she shouldn't enjoy her friend's company. And, even though she was trying not to think about it, she had started to think that maybe, just maybe, Carlo enjoyed being with her too.

And that's what bothered her for a long time being friends with him. Trixie didn't know that it would be possible for her to feel such things about the boy. She always reminded herself that being friends would always be better than jumping into something more than that and it will be easier if she would not dwell on her feelings and move on. She hopes that after some time, it will pass.

However, even if how many times she would try to deny and set these feelings aside, the truth is it will always be easier said than done.

Sometimes, she would question herself when it all started and why does it have to be him yet every time she'll hang out with Carlo, she realized that words won't be enough to describe the feeling of just simply being with him. And now, school has become even more meaningful that she always goes home with him since they have the same dismissal schedule and her house is just a few blocks away from Carlo's.

While cleaning the dishes after dinner, her phone started ringing.

She had to wash her hands just to read the name in the caller ID and see who called. To her surprise, it turned out to be Carlo.

Huh, unexpected. He rarely calls so what is it this time?

"What?" she asked, trying not to sound as surprised as she felt, her heart beating too loud just for a simple call.

"Ah Trix," he said, happily.

"Why are you calling me?" she had to ask, but there's only silence after that. "Why would you call?"

Carlo's little giggle could be heard through the line and it made Trixie grin.

"I just," Trixie could hear the sound of the bus now, "I just felt like talking to someone."

"Whoa, I'm flattered." Trixie joked. Acting as if she was just being sarcastic.

"James didn't pick up, probably on a date," Carlo says.

"Why am I not surprised that I'm just your second option?" Trixie asked, pretending to be hurt now. She put a hand over her heart like she had just been shot with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"You know you're not."

And that's really when she realized that she's falling for him. Those words were certainly not what she expected to hear but it was exactly what she maybe, subconsciously wanted to hear. It may be too much but all of it was just inside her head so she allows herself to dream. Carlo actually did a lot of that lately like saying things that she really didn't think he would say.

Or maybe Trixie was just imagining things.

Yeah, it was probably just that.

"Oh, I'm glad you finally admit it though," she said then, after a little long silence. Still, her voice came out as mocking as she wanted it to sound.

"I didn't hear what you have just said."



"Do you realize that you just wasted your call on me if you mean to call me for this?"

"Wasted wouldn't be the word I'd use," he paused.

Oh my God, was the first thing that came into Trixie's head and her heart skipped a beat just by hearing that. Of course, he's just joking but still.

Trixie didn't know what to say at first, so she just giggled. She was actually used to him doing that, but because sometimes when Carlo spoke she became a kind of nervous. It's that time of the month again and she'll spend time with him again by accompanying him as a friend.

"I just want to ask if you could accompany me tomorrow to the post office because my mother asked me to do something for her though. After class, of course."

"Okay then," Trixie said while putting her phone on the table near the sink, calming herself before she resumes from what she was doing earlier. "I have to go or my mother will kill me if she sees that I am on my phone again just as the time that I should be washing the plates. Bye, take care." She pressed the end call button on her phone.

After a very long day and just as promised, Trixie came with Carlo at the post office right after their class. And when it's time to go home, they crossed the bridge for the bus stop. She was confused when Carlo stopped for a while. The man complimented how beautiful the skies are, took pictures of the sunset, talked about his dreams and perceptions of life that he was so happy that it made Trixie smile. 'Cause Carlo looking nice and happy sometimes was unbearable for her.

Though she tried to fight that feeling.

Why did Carlo always do nice things like that that was so simple but always got to Trixie's heart like they were the purest actions ever? The guy was just being himself, it wasn't that special.

And that's the problem. That's what she liked the most about him, Carlo as being himself.

Trixie's smile had widened and her cheeks were hurting.

And oh, she shouldn't be thinking of Carlo in that way.

"You really like taking pictures right?"

"You know me," he paused, as he takes the shot on his phone.

"I've always liked looking at the skies at this hour every day when the sun sets. It reminds me that even if today ends, there is tomorrow that's waiting for me and the next days. Just thinking about it inspires me to do better." he said while looking at the pictures.

Carlo was leaning against the railing, now taking pictures of the waters and everything that was beneath the bridge. And Trixie knew he was staring at the boy, but it was hard not to do it when Carlo was looking so cute, closing one eye as he captures the beautiful view.

"You look like a shooting star just hit you in the face," she told him, giving him a little push with sarcasm in her voice joking about the man's sun-kissed skin reflecting the sun's light as it sets down the horizon.

"I just really like this view," he said, referring to what's in front of them, so beautiful and refreshing.

"I know," or maybe she just said it thinking of Carlo, who was as beautiful and refreshing.

Or maybe she meant both.

If anyone would have asked, she would've said that Carlo and her liked each other but the both of them didn't have the guts to say it out loud or she would have said that something attracted them together like a magnet. Trixie mentally facepalmed herself for thinking that way. She was laughing in her head.

Like that was ever gonna happen.

If and only If there is a way that she could stop, maybe she would. Trixie knew the possibilities of accepting and admitting it to herself that what she's feeling isn't pure friendship anymore but more special than that. Deep down, maybe all that was just on her side, and that on Carlo's side the only feeling present was friendship and nothing more beyond that. 

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