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Chapter 34


"Carlo, dude!" Franco says with a wide grin on his face as he rose from his seat. "I'm glad you came, bro!"

"Well, it's been a while right?" he told Franco and glanced at their table. He walked towards James while Franco snapped his fingers and an employee of the resort immediately went to him. "He'll be staying in our room," he says.

"Dude, your things," he told Carlo as he pointed at the cart. Carlo looked back at Franco, amused. "Oh," he realized that his bag was still on his shoulder. The employee was walking towards Carlo and was about to get his things from him but he waved his hands when he saw that it was a female employee and put it on the cart by himself instead. The lady looked flushed by the gesture as she stepped aside and gave way to Carlo. Going back to his seat beside James, Carlo smiled at the lady before he sat down.

So much for being a gentleman, Trixie thought.

Her flow of thoughts stopped when she felt a hand pressing her arm. "Hey," Zion says. "You spaced out. Are you okay? Didn't you sleep well last night?" he added with a meaningful smile while he puts his palm on Trixie's forehead.

He's implying something.

Last night.

Oh, the kiss.

"Maybe you're the one who did not have a good sleep last night, hmm?"

Zion shook his head, smiling. He reached for a plate on the table with sweets.

"Desert?" he asked Trixie.

He did not wait for Trixie's response and when Zion was about to put the brownies on her plate, Carlo suddenly speaks. "Trix doesn't like nuts," he said. Trixie was a little surprised since Carlo was busy talking to James moments ago and he was able to notice it. "Just saying," Carlo says and then went back talking to James again. Although not noticeable, Trixie surely saw how Zion's brow furrow but when he looked at her, it was gone, and smiled at Trixie.

"Ice cream, then?"

"I can try the brownies," Trixie says as she mirrored Zion's eyes as if she's searching for something but decided to drop the idea instead. Maybe I saw wrong, she thought. She reaches for the small bowl with the brownies that Zion picked for her and tried eating it. "You don't have to eat it if you don't want to, though." She heard Zion.

"Well, I was curious about the brownies anyway. You seem to like it," she said as she raises her hands on Zion's arms, pressing it a little.

After breakfast, the girls changed into their rashguards and decided to go on the beach. It's only seven-thirty in the morning so the rays of the sun won't hurt their skin yet.

"Selfie!" Amanda says and raised her phone. Trixie raised her fingers to form a peace sign and smiled widely. There were more shots after that when the guys joined them for the pictures too.

It was a really good time for them to spend time like this. After this trip, they're back at school again before Christmas break so moments like these need to be cherished.

"Tomorrow morning, we could do some island hopping," Franco told them. "Today, we can just chill or surf, maybe?" he added.

"By the way," Krishna raised her head from looking at her phone. "I arranged something at the bar here for tonight as we wait for twelve and welcome this big guy's birthday," she says looking fondly at Franco this time. "Thanks, babe," and he winked at Krishna.

"Omg!" Amanda says tugging Krishna's shoulder. "I am excited!" Tanya squeals.

Moments later, Trixie and her friends were fondly taking pictures of Carlo who is now lying under the sun covered with sand as the boys put more. Trixie saw his hand peeking on the sand as he tries to move it although the weight of the sand on his body is stopping him to move any part of his body except his head.

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