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Chapter 37


While on her way to the hospital, Trixie felt like she's been stabbed so many times. Her friendship with Carlo was something she'll treasure forever, even with the fact that she loved him and Carlo did not. They were just starting to rebuild their friendship again and she has so many things to say, to do with him, that even after everything, Carlo is still her best friend. All their lives, they've been each other's anchor into anything, good times and bad times, that either of them would always be there for the other.

They were a team.

"But he's still alive," says Franco in the line. She called him because she was shaking so much that she needed to talk to someone when she was driving. "Don't worry okay? Where are you, Trix? "

"I'm at the intersection. I think I'll be there in fifteen," she says and chokes on a sob as she breathes deeply to calm herself down and wait for the traffic light to turn green.

"How's he?" she asked. "Still, breathing but unconscious. Stay calm, hmm? He can do this," Franco encouraged her.

"I know he will," Trixie says as she grips tighter on the steering wheel. "He needs to," she adds.

She quickly got out of her car, still on her dress and stilettos, and pushes the door in the emergency room. When she's at the station she saw Franco and Carlo's and saw that they were talking to a doctor.

Half running, she comes nearer. "We still have to do some tests for his head and check on his arms and legs injuries, but he'll be fine," the doctor said.

At least, he's fine.

That's all that matters.

She felt Franco's hand on her shoulders tightened and gave her a warm smile.

The doctor left after that and Carlo's mom faced Trixie. "Will he be okay?" Trixie asked and she looked away from her when she saw James running towards them.

"How is he?" he asked while trying to catch his breath.

"He's fine don't worry, James." Aunt Frenzie said with a warm smile, her hand on James' shoulder to assure him. "Can I go inside his room?" Trixie asked. She can't help it because she can never be at peace unless she sees that her best friend is fine.

"Sure. But he's still sleeping so,"

James did not waste any second before he left them and went inside the room, and Franco followed after. "Won't you go inside?" Carlo's mom asked Trixie.

"Uh," she says before she followed her friends.

"Trixie," Aunt Frenzie suddenly stopped her. "You'll always be at Carlo's side right?"

Trixie was taken aback by the sudden question because why wouldn't she be at Carlo's side right? But she nods to assure her, "Yes." she said with a smile.

"Good. I know you'll say that. You were always there even when you were young," Aunt Frenzie says as she hugs Trixie. "I'll just be outside to tell our relatives about Carlo, hmm?"

"Take care, Aunt," she says before she holds the doorknob to open the door when her phone suddenly rings.

Zion calling...

Oh, the date. Trixie realizes that when she saw his name and looked at herself. She answered the call.

"Hi...." she says while feeling guilty. She looked at her watch and saw that it's almost six-thirty.

"Are you okay?" Zion asked. Trixie smiled because, with even just one word, Zion knows.

"I am," Trixie answers with a nod even if Zion can't see her.

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