"He needs a good home. And that's what we're gonna give him." Washington smiled.

Martha wiped her eyes and nodded.

The next day, Washington enrolled Alexander at Lin Manuel Miranda High and brought him down to the school for a tour.

"And this is my class. I teach US History and American Government." Washington smiled.

"Two? Are you kidding me? As if one wasn't bad enough." Alexander scoffed.

"I know it's hard, but no one has to know. Lafayette kept it a secret last year and no one found out about him being a foster kid. Except for his best friend. Plus, you wouldn't be in my class this year. I teach 12th grade." Washington responded. "Now, you just need a uniform."

"A what?" Alexander slightly laughed at him. "A uniform? This is one of those places?"

"Yes. Is that a problem?"

"Uh, yeah! I have a reputation to uphold." Alexander rolled his eyes.

"Well, you can get a new reputation." Washington suggested.

"Not happening!" Alexander spat and walked off. He went around the corner and pulled out his little flip phone to check for any messages. There was one.

Ben☠: Did you get sent off yet?
TalkingPipsqueak🗣: Yeah, at least at this place they start off nice. But I've been to places like this before. They never seem to last.
Ben☠: Me and some friends are meeting at the alley on 42 St. in an hour or so. You coming?
TalkingPipsqueak🗣: I think I could get away.

Alexander put his phone away when he heard Washington come around the corner. "You ready to go?"

Alexander nodded and they left.

When they got home, Alexander asked if he could leave.

"Hey, could I check out the new area for a little bit?"

"What do you mean?" Washington asked.

"I used to live across town, thought I'd check out the new places around here." Alexander played it off normal.

"Yeah sure. Do you want Laf to show you around?"

"No! I'm more of a loner." Alexander put his head down.

"Ok, just keep your phone on you and be back by 9:30." Washington agreed.

Alexander nodded and took off. He went to find his friend, Ben. Ben was 19 and had been to five different foster homes with Alexander before he turned 18. Ben was the closest thing he had to family, since none of the foster families actually cared about him. Washington gave Alex a little bit of money for a taxi. Alexander used all of it to get across town. He figured he could get a ride home from someone. He had hitchhiked before, he didn't care about murderers or drug dealers or possibly being kidnapped. He thought of it as an easy way out of his horrible life. Luckily for him, he always seemed to ask nice people who got him home safe.

"Hey pip squeak!" Ben laughed. "You made it!"

"Of course I did. I would've broken out of the house if they didn't let me go." Alexander smirked. "Big house though, probably wouldn't be that hard either."

"You got a loaded mommy and daddy?" Ben teased.

"I wouldn't say loaded, but they have money." Alexander grinned.

One of Ben's friends ran up. He looked about Ben's age, maybe a year older. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. "Hey my man!" He gave him a bro hug. "Who's the kid?"

"Don't worry, he's with me." Ben shrugged.

"Whatever, you wanna beer or whiskey?" The young man asked.

"Beer." Ben stated.

"I'll take one too." Alex added.

"You better hold your liquor, kid. I'm not responsible if you get drunk and your parents beat you or something." The young man scoffed.

"It won't matter, they're bound to hit me eventually. I can't stop the inevitable." Alexander sighed.

"You ever thought about running away?"

"Thought about it? I've done it on multiple occasions. But a 15 year old on the streets stands out, and by the end of the day a police officer catches me. Then it's off to a new 'home'." Alexander explained.

"You could come stay with us. If someone see's you in a group they won't suspect anything." Ben suggested.

"Maybe. I need to give it a week or so. Give me time to get supplies and stuff." Alexander responded.

"Whatever. You smoke?" The young man asked.

"Not really. Only when I feel like it. I'll just take the beer." The man gave him one can from his six pack. Plus one for Ben.

"Where's Danny?" Ben asked.

"I haven't seen him. He said he would be here. If not, who cares. More for us." The man shrugged his shoulders. "What's your name anyway, kid?"

"Alexander Hamilton."

"Nate Willcox." The young man replied.

Alexander drank the beer and smashed the can on the ground. "You got another?"

"Yeah, but no more than two. The rest are for me and Danny." Nate grabbed another can. "Unless we grab somemore."

Alexander could care less if he got drunk, he stopped caring about his well being a long time ago.

"You use a fake ID?" Ben asked.

"Obviously. I don't turn 21 for another six months." Nate laughed. "I've always looked older than I am. The guy didn't suspect a thing."

Another young man ran up to them. He had tan skin with short dark hair. Kinda shorter, maybe around Alexander's height. Perhaps an inch or two taller. Pretty skinny too.

"Danny, you made it!" Ben smiled. "You get kicked out yet?"

"Oh heck yeah. They didn't want a kid who's mom is in prison. I just hope she makes it out by my Senior year of school, otherwise I'll have to drop out when I turn 18." Danny answered.

"School is overrated." Nate said. "It works you your whole life just so that you can work for your whole life."

"I mean, it gets you a free meal from the government. But whatcha gonna do about it? Foster care is brutal." Ben added.

"I guess." He nodded. "Who's this?"

"Alexander Hamilton. I know Ben."

"Daniel Luso. My friends call me Danny." A/N: I think I've been watching too much Cobra Kai. New A/N: Ha! I remember that. I binge watched the whole first two seasons in like a matter of days.

"Heh." Alexander scoffed.

"Here!" Nate threw Daniel a beer.


The four drank and talked all night until about 10p.m. Alexander lost track of the time and stayed out later than he knew he was supposed to. By the time he did make it home, it was past midnight. Washington and Martha were worried and called the police.

"Thank you officer, but we found him." Washington called the cops to let them know he came home. He hung up the phone and turned to see the boy was clearly drunk.

"Alexander, did you go out and drink?" Washington asked.

"Yep, now I just need one more beer and I'll be set for the night." Alexander chuckled, unaware of what he was saying. He fell down onto the couch and began laughing uncontrollably.

"He's hammered." Washington sighed as his wife came in.
Lafayette came downstairs after hearing all the racket. "Is everything ok?" He took one glance at Alexander. "You seem to have this under control. I'm going back to bed."

Washington dragged Hamilton upstairs to his new room. Alexander passed out a little bit later.

Just You Wait! Prequel to Bad Things Happen!Where stories live. Discover now