A lot more questions.

Start from the beginning

Cinnamon- "HELLO BROTHER!"
"Hey Paps."

We all holded hands when we heard the bell. We were teleported to our seats. The meeting was about to begin.

Bijayeta- "So as we did in the Previous meeting, I will answer a common question. And then I will hear your questions. Feel free to say anything else if you think it's important to share with us. With that, let's begin the meeting."

I could already see Geno say 'Get off you idiot' from behind. What a way to ruin the seriousness. Well, when are we serious anyways?

Bijayeta- "Alright. Today, I will ask two questions to you all. If you cannot answer this question, then I will answer it for you."

Bijayeta- "Can we take Frisk's Determination in any other way?"

Ink- "You said that there is another way. They have to break their Determination first."

Bijayeta- "Yes. I did say that. Now, can anybody say how?"

Nightmare- "Probably some kind of torture?"
Sci- "Can't they also suck it from the that machine in the true lab?"

I looked over at Sci. Two drops of sweat were seen in his skull.

Bijayeta- "For Nightmare's answer, Yes. Maybe there are also more ways of breaking Determination. And to Sci's answer. That thing is still in development. But it will do the trick of sucking Determination if it is fixed."

I was worried even more now.
Bijayeta- "Alright. Time to Answer your questions."

Dust shot up.
Dust- "Can Gasters take Frisk's Determination?"
That.. would be horrible..

Gaster Sans- "Well. No. Gaster control the Game rules, yes. But that doesn't mean he can break his own rules. He has to follow it too."

Bijayeta- "Although other AU Gasters can break each other's Game rules. Anymore?"

Last Breath- "Is the void for all of our AUs are the same or not?"
Geno- "Ya..?"
Last Breath- "So.. does that mean that all the Gaster AUs are in the same void where they can even stumble upon each other?"

Wait.. why didn't I think of that..

(Wait. Wait! An important note here. So in this story, I have shipped Ultratale with Epictale. The code names of the Sanses are Ultra and Epic. But I realised that their is another Sans named Ultra Sans. Since they are so similar, I will call Ultratale Sans- Ultra/Delta and the other one- Ultra Sans. Alright back to the story.)

Ultra Sans- "Hmm. That can be a possibility. At first, it was not possible. But after we came out. We came to know that there is actually only one void, and not one for each AU. Some say it is Gaster Sans's fault. Or because you all came out of whatever other reasons. So.. it can be possible for all the Gaster to meet up in the void."

This is bad. Real bad.

I saw Last breath say something in mid air. Then he sat down.

Bijayeta- "Alright. Classic has something to ask. Go ahead leader."

"Uh.. Can Frisk be herself when she loses her Determination?"

Some of the Sanses looked bored. But they were surprised when Miss said that it was a very important question for us to know.

Bijayeta- "Well. A Very important question to ask and know about. I will be giving the answer like last time I guess. So. We know that Frisk lost themselves after the tenth Reset in Dusttale and Chara also takes over at the last moment of the battle between them and Sans in almost every timeline. But this time, Frisk managed to fight back in Classic's AU. While doing that, she broke a game rule. And the game rule is still broken until now. Plus, after coming to the surface, the code of the surface got mixed up with our code. Causing us to behave more like ourselves instead of like puppets. So, if we managed to break free from our fixed functioning like that, Frisk may have too. So it can be that they can't be controlled by taking over their Determination."

I was relieved. But then she said something else.

Bijayeta- "But.. if they somehow die during the time where they don't have their Determination anymore, it can be that they will never come back."

I was worried. Yet again.

"K.. I have another one. Can Gasters come back?"

Many of the Sanses went real serious after that question.

Bijayeta- "Well, After the fault in time and space, I will not be suprised if there is a huge hole in the void for the Gasters to walk into and reach our world. But that would take some time. The void is infinitely big. Now who knows where the 'Door to our world' will appear right?."

Ice- "Can't they sense it if something different occurs in the void?"

Bijayeta- "I don't know. Can they? Remember that there are Gasters, not any kind of animal who would sense anything happening in there. Melting Skeletons are not good at sensing anyway."

"I.. See.."

Bijayeta- "Alright. The Meetings done. Everyone go into their dorms now."

We all teleported infront of our dorms. They opened it and went inside.

Red- "This is bad."
"... Super bad... "

1444 words
Welp. Let's see what happens next.
Peace out ✌
18th September 2020.

Ah sh#t. I forgot to say that Toriel's and the Amalgams have merged with the school.

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