Start from the beginning

She sighed, "Daddy please...I need this" she said softly so as not to let the tears in her eyes betray her.

"Firdausi I said no" her father stated sternly not wanting to give into her pleas.

"You know I can't stand here. It's everyone's wellbeing. Mine, yours, hers and everyone else's"


"I can get help there more than here, you know that"

Her father held her gaze as his face hardens. He refused to let her see that this decision is killing him in the inside as much as she's hurting. "I'll get you what you want. The as much time as you need but do remember that I'm only doing this because I do love you"

"Thanks Daddy"

That was all Jannah could think of as she walked into the hospital hastily. The conversation she had with her father five years ago was all that came to her when she heard the news of what happened to him. She couldn't help but feel the feeling of déjà vu being in this position again. It all felt so familiar.

She didn't reach home from Suhad's home when she heard what happened and that was all it took for her to change lane from her Aunt's house to the hospital all the while dreading the worst.

She stopped in her tracks when she saw her family outside the operation room. Kamal was pacing in front of the room while her mother, sister, grandmother, aunt and uncle sat on the waiting chairs with their heads downcast.

The sound of her footsteps made them all look up. The solemn look on their faces made her feel a pang in her heart. Her eyes met that of Kamal's whom looked taken aback seeing her there. He thought Suhad will keep to his words and won't let her leave there house. He knew very well what she being here will result too. They all knew.

"Jannah..." he stopped when Jannah's mother stood up and walked towards Jannah whom stood watching them all.

Jannah's mother's face was as hard as stone and emotionless, her eyes were dull and lips set into a grim line. She only stopped when she stood in front of Jannah. Everyone else kept their gaze on the two to see what will happen.

"Mama..." Jannah started but was cut short when Mama raised her hand up and landed a resounding a slap on Jannah's face with so much impact that her head turned to the side.

The others stood up in alarm.

Jannah looked at her mother with tears brewing in her eyes, "Mama..."

Another slap landed on her other cheek followed by another one before Jannah's aunt came and held Mama back from slapping her daughter any further.

Jannah bit her lower lip and looked down, tears slowly streaming down her face.

"How dare you?" Mama asked for the very first time, her voice gruff from crying for hours, "Everytime...Everytime! Something happens in this family it always has to be your fault" she pointed a finger at the silently sobbing daughter of hers.

"Halima calm down, stop this" the aunt said pulling Mama back but she was having none of it.

"How dare you show your face here after everything you did?" she half yelled still glaring at her daughter, tears welling up in her eyes again.

Jannah still neither looked up nor replied. She was still quietly sobbing.

"Halima stop..."

"It's your fault! It always is" Mama yelled choking up on her sobs. Iyah looked away in pity of both mother and daughter while Kamal fisted his fists. "Isn't it enough that you almost killed my daughter? Now you want to kill my husband too. Wato since he didn't die the last time you want to send him to his grave now ko?" she yelled again fighting out of her sister's grip to get to Jannah whom still stood in the same position.

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