Yuma X Daughter! Reader

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Name: Yuma Mukami

From: Diabolik Lovers More Blood

The only character I love more than Yuma is Zack Foster, if you've never watched Angels of Death I fully recommend it. Warning though, it's a bit more adult anime style. It's Gorey and there are a lot of swears. As far as I'm aware it's only 16 episodes long, I know it has a manga and I think it's all based off a video game. I've only watched the anime but I do want to play the games.


(Y/n) giggled as she played in the woods, her father always let her play out in the forest during the day. Currently she was trying to see how high she could climb, she had gotten pretty high up as she couldn't make out the details of the ground anymore. Deciding she was high enough she went to climb down, though a rough wind swept through and drew her attention to the sky. She noticed that light blue was quickly growing darker, a sudden storm beginning to sweep in. She rushed to try and climb down, but another wind made a branch shake under her feet and sent her crashing down.



With Yuma



The large man sat up with a yawn, he had been napping on one of the couches in the den for the last hour since it had been a nice a day. Though now it wasn't so nice, rain was pouring down and the skies were dark. He was surprised to see it was only 3 or 4 in the afternoon, as the storm made it seem much later. "Good you're awake, have you seen (Y/n) she's supposed to help me make dinner." Yuma turned to see Ruki, cocking an eyebrow as he scratched the back of his head with a yawn. "She went out earlier to play, have you checked her room? She should have been back by now." The titan of a vampire moved to stand, stretching as Ruki shook his head.

Yuma felt his blood go cold but he didn't show it, simply making a "tch" and looking away before going to put his shoes on. (Y/n)'s mother was a human, so despite taking mostly after her father she was a bit more fragile than a regular vampire. It took longer for her to heal, she could also get sick though it would only last a few days. "Are you going to find her?" Ruki had straightened up, steel like eyes locked onto his larger brother. "Of course, she's my daughter."




(Y/n) woke to her head throbbing, making her whine as she opened her eyes. Everything seemed like a haze, her sinuses were blocked she was both hot and cold. "Good, you're awake. You had me worried." The deep and familiar voice of her father actually helped to soothe her headache, she slowly tilted her head to look at him. "Daddy?..." Her voice was scratchy, her throat was hurting and really dry.  Yuma helped her to sit up, handing her a glass of water that she happily drank down. "Take it easy, you hit your head pretty hard and you got a cold from the rain." He helped her get comfortable after she satisfied her thirst, keeping a straight face as he tucked her in.

"Are you mad at me daddy?..." She gave him a miserable look, the fact she was more worried about being in trouble than her physical state bothered him some but he smiled to her. "No, I'm just glad you're ok. I found you passed out on the ground, you were soaked in water. We called sow over and she cleaned you up, she's been worried about ya but she plans to come over tomorrow." He ran his fingers through her hair, watching his little girl close her eyes and begin to fall asleep. "I love you daddy..." These sleepy words slipped from her, quickly dozing off before she heard a response. "I love you too sweetheart... Sleep well." The older vampire got comfy in his chair, he wouldn't be leaving her side til she had fully recovered.

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