Zack Foster X Daughter! Reader

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Name: Isaac "Zack" Foster

From: Angel's Of Death


(Y/n) sat quietly on her daddy's back, the tall male carrying her through the forest. His wife was a government mercenary, something he became as well after killing Rachel. It was because of his wife that he was able to, he had originally met the girl years before Rachel. Before he was taken to that place. She approached him with the offer to join the group, a couple of serial killers already being a part of them. He denied a bit coldly, it wasn't until everything that happened with Rachel that he was able to swallow his pride even a little. He chuckled to himself, thinking about how much of a pain she was to find again but he was glad he did. This woman really brought him down to earth, her feisty nature sometimes scared even him a little. She knew it to, but she never bragged. "What's so funny daddy?" The young girl looked at him over his shoulder, she looked so much like her mother with her (H/l) (H/c) hair. Though slightly darker (H/c) than her mother's, he knew she'd probably look just like her in the end. She had heterochromia like her father, her right eye was like her mother's but her left eye was black like one of her father's. She was the sweetest child, completely innocent. Sometimes he wondered if it was his golden eye that made him evil, but he always followed it up with a thought of 'that sounds f*****g dumb." And cracking open a beer. "Nothin squirt, just thinkin of your mom." His deep raspy voice made her grin, but before she could respond they came in view of the cabin.

(M/n) sat on the front steps, it was a warm summer night so she was in her pj shorts and an oversized shirt. Zack sat his little girl down and watched as she ran up to her mom, he was glad to see she came back from her job in one piece. The little girl launched herself into her mom's arms, the woman chuckling softly before pulling her up onto her lap. "Hey there sweety, how was your walk with daddy?" She looked up at Zack, the male always liked taking their little girl for walks around the forest when she went on a job. It helped to keep the girl distracted and keep her from getting cabin fever. She'd often take her daughter into town to the park or out to eat when Zack was doing a job, given their jobs money wasn't an issue. "Yeah, hey mommy can we have (F/f)?" The little girl gazed up at the woman's face, her mother nodding. "Sure sweety, why don't you go get cleaned up and take a break for a minute and I'll get it started."

With that the girl gave a squeal of excitement, one that had Zack covering his ears, then she ran off. The male approached the woman, leaning down to her height with a smirk. Though that was wiped off his face when she yanked him down and kissed him, though she pulled back before he could respond and he gave her a shocked look that made her smirk. "Go inside and get comfortable f****r, we got a week off and my dad will be coming to get (Y/n) tomorrow because she's been wanting to spend some time with him." She winked at the male, easily able to tell by how he tensed that he was blushing.

Once Zack had gotten changed into some sweatpants and a tanktop he got comfortable on the couch, the tv was on but it was more or less just background noise. He could hear his wife cooking, he simply watched as his little girl colored in one of her books. He never said it out loud, though his wife already could tell, his daughter amazed him. She was so sweet and innocent, completely oblivious to how wicked this world could be. Deep down he knew she'd learn the truth one day, but he wanted to protect her for as long as he could. One day she may learn about how wicked the world was, but he'd never let her experience it. He'd die before he let his angel be hurt. "Daddy?" Zack had jumped slightly at his daughter's voice, she smiled up at him from where she colored in her book.

"Yeah, what is it?" The little girl giggled at his low voice, making him quirk an eyebrow. "Can we camp out in the living room tonight?" That made him chuckle, every now and then they'd basically build a nest of covers on the living room floor. They spend the night playing games, watching movies and shows. Then they'd crash in a heap in their little nest, the hopeful look in her eyes made him nod. "Sure kid, but we can't stay up to late. Remember you're spending the day with your Gramps tomorrow." Right before their daughter responded his wife came in, handing them both plates. "Camping out? Sounds great to me." That made the little girl light up, quickly and happily eating her favorite meal. (M/n) went to get her own plate, leaving the two alone.

"So what do you want to watch tonight kid?" He relaxed as his daughter snuggled up to his side, staring at the tv as he flipped through various movies and shows on a streaming network. "Uh... Are there any new movies?" That made her dad chuckle, the girl always needed to look at all the movies and shows before she made a choice. So he flipped through the new additions, his daughter eating beside him. Soon his wife joined them on the couch and began eating, everyone joking and talking as they tried to pick a movie. By the time they did the trio had finished their food, so they ditched their plates on the coffee table to relax and watch the movie they settled on.

Halfway through the movie Zack had been dozing off until he heard the soft giggles of his little girl, he looked to her with a quirked eyebrow as she held a finger to her lips and pointed to her mom. (Y/n) had been on Zack's left and her mother was on his right, when Zack looked to his wife he found her out cold. "Why don't you go get the covers and s**t  and we can get ready for bed, you have to get up early anyways." (Y/n) was quick to comply and as she gathered all the pillows and covers while Zack had moved to lie his wife down, the woman sleeping like a  rock even though Zack nearly dropped her off the couch. He had to try and not laugh out loud when he heard the quiet cackles of his daughter, from there he went to put the dirty dishes in the kitchen.

When he came back he moved to help his daughter set up their little nest, whispering over to her. "So squirt, what are you and Gramps supposed to do tomorrow?" He almost flinched at the new energy that seemed to radiate from the girl when he asked, he was almost worried that she wouldn't be able to sleep as she got so excited. "We are gonna go out for lunch, then to the zoo. Then we are gonna go to the park, and then a movie and dinner." She was out of breath from the excited ramble, making him chuckle and pat her head. "Sounds like fun, you better make sure to take pictures for your mom." With that said they had finished setting up everything, as (Y/n) went to get changed into her PJs Zack tucked his wife in under her cover. As he got comfortable his little girl came rushing in, turning out all of the lights as she moved before diving under the cover. "Careful kiddo, if you get hurt it might make things harder tomorrow." The little girl nodded, snuggling with her favorite stuffed animal as she scooted closer to her father and making him chuckle. He lied on his back, pressing play on the movie as his little girl laid her head on his chest.

When the movie finished he glanced down to see a sleeping (Y/n), he adjusted the cover slightly and kissed her forehead. "Sleep well kid..." These were his soft muffled words as he turned off the TV and fell asleep.

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