Sesshomaru X Reader

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Name: Sesshomaru

From: Inuyasha


Sesshomaru walked quietly down the dirt path, it was a bit late in the day and he was searching for a place to camp so that Rin and Kohaku could rest. They, a long with Jaken, and Ah Un, followed the dog lord. Though they quickly came to a stop at the rustling of something moving through the woods, Kohaku was quick to push Rin behind him. Though to their surprise a young woman tumbled out of the brush, she was battered and her scent told the demons of the group that she was half demon. When she took notice of them she tried to push herself up and and move away, absolute fear on her face. "It's... A girl..." This beautiful statement slipped from the mouth of the little green imp, Rin simply giggled. Sesshomaru simply watched the girl, that was until a voice could be heard from the direction the girl had been running from. "My sweet little song bird, if you continue to try and fly away I'll surely have to clip your wings." The girl seemed to freeze, they barely caught the look of terror on her face before she managed to force herself up and try to run away.

Sesshomaru looked back towards where the voice came from, right as his golden gaze reached he brush line a vine of thorns had burst free and grabbed the girl by the ankle. She was yanked into the air and slammed down, her arm giving a sickening crack as it made contact with the ground and the young half demon had fallen unconcious. He was quick to sever the vine, with Rin being there he didn't want the girl to watch the battered woman die. "Jaken take Rin away from here."  The young imp was quick to obey, but Rin paused. "Are you gonna help her Lord Sesshomaru?" Her chocolate gaze flitted to the unmoving woman, the woman seeming to barely breathe. Sesshomaru had looked to Rin, then gave a sigh. "I suppose... She's obviously incapable of protecting herself..." Rin had immediately perked up, hoping the woman might even come with them so that she wasn't the only girl in the group.

"Come on silly girl, we need to get going!" Rin was quick to follow the imp and the two headed dragon after that, Sesshomaru having proceeded to approach the unconscious woman. He took in the sight of her (H/l) (H/c) hair, matted and tangled. Her (S/t) skin was bruised, some scars here and there. She was likely some kind of servant or slave, but even still something about her interested him. Though being in such poor condition he could still say that she was pretty, maybe in a perfect state she could even be considered beautiful. He had witnessed many beautiful demons, but she was different. Maybe it was because she was half demon, because she is almost like a forbidden fruit. Exotic, rebellious, her very existence was considered a sin to both humans and demons. His thoughts were interrupted when what appeared to be an older monk stumbled out of the woods, but he was not tricked by this illusion. By scent alone he knew it was a serpentine demon in disguise, when the lesser demon took notice of him he smiled.

"Hello there young man, do forgive me I'm afraid I was lost in the woods for some time." His voice was like that of a regular human male's, but Sesshomaru didn't miss how the man's eyes glanced back and forth to the woman and himself. Sesshomaru could only smirk at the demon's pathetic facade, knowing the demon had likely recognized him and was debating on running. Unfortunately Sesshomaru didn't care, simply cutting the creature down as he wasn't worth communicating with. As the demon's corpse turned to ash Sesshomaru turned his attention to the girl, kneeling down to look at her. 'Well Rin is still a little girl... I suppose she does need a mother figure.'  And that was that, with his choice made he carefully lifted the woman into his arms and carried her off as he followed the scent of the ever growing group he was making.




"And that was how I met your father." The woman's voice had faded off, she sat on the outer porch of the home she shared with her husband. Her (E/c) gaze shifted her gaze to the three sets of curious eyes, these eyes belonged to 3 children 7 years of age. It was 4 years after they met that (Y/n) and Sesshomaru had been wed, it wasn't long after that she was carrying his 3 pups. 2 little boys and a girl, all 3 were beautiful in their own right. "Mom! You can't stop there, it doesn't count! That's when you first saw him, what about when you woke up!" This was her first born, Seizou, he was an exact copy of his father and she adored that because he was such a mommy's boy. "Yeah, what about when dad asked you to be his!?" This was her little girl, Kaoru, the girl's long hair was a mix of her mother and father's as it was like a pastel (H/c).

"Tell you what, how about I tell you those after dinner. Your father and big sister should be home soon." 2 out of 3 children whined, her middle son had simply nodded. Though Sanabe looked just like his mother he idolized his father, so he was actually more mature than the other 2. "You two aren't hastling mom are you?" Rin had approached from behind, hands on her hips and pouting. She had grown into a beautiful young woman, she made the early years of parenting so much easier. Sanabe had looked to his older sister and smiled slightly, he tried to be stoic but in reality he was just shy and putting up a front. "Hello Rin, I take it things went well?" Rin had went to gather some stuff from the forest while Sesshomaru cleared the demons out from the forest around their home, he did it every so often to try and ensure their safety. "Yeah, I got a bunch of herbs and wild fruits. Lord Sesshomaru went to your room to take off his armor."

(Y/n) listened and moved to stand, giving the girl a smile. "Wonderful, why don't you three help Rin bring in the pouches. Perhaps we can use some of those fruits for tonight's dessert." The mention of a sweet treat had the three gone, making Rin giggle and go to make sure they didn't mess anything up. (Y/n) proceeded to the room she shared with her husband, finding him in just his hakama as he was about to put on the top. "Hello my love, I take it the forest is safe now? The children wish to visit the waterfall." She closed the door behind her, moving to help him place his top on. It was not that she had to, but between them it was like subtle affection. He could be somewhat affectionate behind closed doors, out in the open he displayed his love in ways some might miss. But she never did. "We can take them tomorrow morning, it's been some time since you all have went swimming." He always went with, even if he didn't get in the water he'd sit at the edge and watch over them. He may not have been the most adoring husband outwardly, but his family always knew that they were loved.

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