Kakashi X Chubby! Reader

780 28 5

Character: Kakashi Hatake

From: Naruto

Requested by: Ni-co-le-17


Kakashi gave a tired sigh as he walked down the all too familiar path, he had finished training his squad for the day and was making his way home. A tired smile slipped on his face when he noticed a large and old cherry blossom tree starting to bloom, though it was pretty he was smiling more at the memory attached to it. He had been a cocky punk as a kid and even as a teen he had a bit of a streak in him, but there was one person able to wash away that aggression. (Y/n) was just a couple years younger than him and he had first met her when some new chuunin had been bullying the (E/c) eyed girl, she was a bit heavier than most girls her age but she also wasn't exactly interested in being a kunoichi so she had no real reason to go out of her way to exorcise as one would. Kakashi had recognized her from a small restaurant he occasionally visited which later he learned her parents owned the place that Kakashi himself had frequented many times, so he decided to step in and run them off since he did out rank them and their behavior only shined a stained light on the village. But that had just been the start, before long they had become friends and eventually things had fallen into place and they had become lovers as young adults, one of his more recent memories had been proposing to the beautiful girl beneath that very tree.

He had fallen hard and by the time he noticed he was already love struck, she was a sweet and gentle soul who he felt was far more beautiful than the vein and rude jonin who loved to boast about how they're "peak attractiveness." Something he thought was a bunch of BS since for quite a few It was obvious they had only just barely had the skills to reach their ranks, most of them couldn't hold a conversation unless it was about them or someone else and he just couldn't get passed how ugly they were on the inside. His angel may have been different from most, but she was still beautiful to him in her own perfect way. He closed his eye as he continued his walk, though he began walking faster as his stomach growled. It was Wednesday, meaning his wife was making eggplant mixed miso soup, one of his favorites. He loved her cooking, he was exilerated to learn that out of her siblings she'd be the one to inherit the family restaurant. Her brother had become a ninja and her sister wanted to be a fashion designer and seamstress, Kakashi liked making jokes that talent runs through her family as it made her flustered.

Upon walking through the door his stomach announced his arrival, making the male blush while lowering his mask when hearing his wife's laugh from the kitchen. She stood infront of the sink, the front door opened into the kitchen and a slight left room you to the living room. "Welcome home love." The (H/c) haired girl turned from the boiling pot on the stove to look at where he stood near the front door, the house smelled of soup and teased him with the fact that he'd have to get cleaned up before he got to eat. "Thanks beautiful, I'm glad to see you're in a good mood." The silver haired male chuckled and made his approach to the blushing girl, curling his arms around her waist as she turned to face him and rested her hands on his chest when gazing up at him. "Things went rather smoothly at the restaurant today, the new waitress has really made things a lot easier. How was your day? Did the kids tire you out as usual?" Her question had a grin quirking his gorgeous lips, making him chuckle as he leaned his forehead to hers. Feeling her gentle hands rub his temples and brush through his hair his body relaxed into her, his single black eye gazed into hers. "A bit, I'll save the stories for dinner though. Thankfully they weren't as much of a handful as they usually were." He leaned back, letting her sway them from side to side and listening to her beautiful laugh. "Well why don't you go get cleaned up, it should be finished by the time you get done." This statement made the male nod before he leaned down to kiss her forehead, reluctantly slipping away from her to go shower as she continued cooking. Neither noticing the preteens dangling from the window, the 3 kids who made up squad 7 had peaked up just in time to see him hug the girl. Though unfortunately for them they had been so startled at the fact he was in a relationship that they hadn't paid any attention to trying to see his face, and upon noticing Kakashi about to turn around they panicked and slipped off the ledge left to dangle and missing their second chance.


The next day Kakashi had met the team at the training grounds, but he was both surprised and mildly concerned when he got there and they all three stood with their arms crossed like parents who just found their child's porn stash. "Uh.... Good afternoon..." He raised a hand in an awkward wave and feeling oddly threatened. It was then that the 3 rushed him, Kakashi had to fight every instinct that insisted he run away as he could almost feel this situation was gonna get weird. "Don't good afternoon us Kakashi sensei! Why didn't you tell us you were married!? Why don't you wear your ring!?" This had been Sakura speaking up first, the girl clearly thinking about the worst. So with a sigh Kakashi decided to just rip off this bandaid, so he removed one of his fingerless gloves to show his wedding band protected within. "It just never occurred to me, it's not like it changes anything." That was  when Naruto popped up infront of him, startling him far more than he ever thought. "You should have told us it was to Miss (Y/n), we could have been eating lunch at the Konoha Lotus!"

That had Kakashi quirking an eyebrow, he forgot that Naruto did eat things aside from ramen from time to time. But he still didn't see what had the three riled up, that was when Sasuke spoke up next. "It's nice to know you aren't an ass like Kaiba." Kakashi cringed at the mention of being compared to such a male, Kaiba having been a petty little man who's thoughts and opinions were only skin deep. "Just how vain did you all think I was!?" Kakashi gave an exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Well I mean a lot of girls do have a thing for you, we always thought you were oblivious or just playing hard to get. At least we know you're just loyal though." Kakashi felt his head drop as a weight dropped onto him, he never realized how his attempts at ignoring the fawning of his fangirls made him look. Buuuuut at least they knew he was a devoted husband now, maybe they'd listen just a little bit better from now on. Though he doubted that, then it would just be too easy.

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