Hitoshi Shinsou X Reader

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Name: Hitoshi Shinsou

From: My Hero Academia

Requested by: BobDragon37

Since there was no specification as to quirk as far as if she had one or what it was I hope you don't mind that I made her a cat girl, given who it was I just thought it was be cute and make sense. Anyways I hope you enjoy it and sorry for the wait! Sorry if it feels a bit short, was battling with writers block a bit on this one, I like Shinsou but he isn't one of my all time favorites so I had to do some digging on his quirk trying to remember if he lived with Aizawa, if he could read minds, etc. So I thought I'd keep it safe and just make it a more cute kind of in the future scenario.

"Come here kitten." The male had beckoned over the cat girl across from him, the two had been dating since he was a first year at UA. Now here he sat at a desk as an adult, the male having managed to create his own agency at this point. Something he felt wouldn't have happened without Aizawa or his sweet kitten. Tonight he had been working late, finishing up a bit of paperwork left over from where his agency had recently merged with a smaller one and now he had to sign off. Because of that (Y/n) had brought him dinner, the girl had attended UA along side Hitoshi but after graduating decided that hero life wasn't for her. Instead she had opened up a cat hotel and café of her own to help with the local stray population, it had been doing well and because of her husband's job she was able to spend a pretty penny on making sure the local groups of stray cats were fixed and given their shots. Those that were friendly would be taken in and they would "work" at the café and hotel keeping those who visited happy and entertained. Many were on adoption lists so visitors who got attached to a cat while there could fill out an application and possibly take in one of the furry friends, it was a wonderful thing she loved to do. But it could be a little stressful, as even with workers there was plenty of stuff only she had the authority to deal with. Tonight had been one of those nights, bringing her husband dinner after a long day was her only relief.

Of course Shinsou could tell from the moment she entered the room that she was tired and a bit overworked, her (F/c) tail hung low and her ears twitched lazily as they sat near lopsidedly on her head. The sight made a grin cross the male's face, she looked adorable and he couldn't help the chuckle that left him as she set the plate on his desk and walked around to where he sat. Without missing a beat he pulled her onto his lap, his pride swelling at how she instantly melted into his arms. "Shinsou?..." (E/c) orbs peered up at him curiously, his grin softened when he noticed the tiredness creeping into her eyes. So he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, a hand rubbing her lower back gently. "Just relax, tomorrow I'll see if I can't call in a favor and get you some help so you can rest a bit." The girl in his arms near purred at the soothing touch, though she knew he'd probably find a way to get Aizawa involved. The older male "begrudgingly" assisted with certain things when it came to her business, though she knew despite his complaining he enjoyed having an excuse to interact with so many cats at once. Having heard many times about his "temper"checks, in which he just goes around petting the cats and playing with them. He claims this was to ensure they behaved well and socialized correctly, though she didn't believe a word of it and liked setting him up every now and then with a new kitten just so she can send the video to Shinsou or some of their friends.

Once satisfied with the choice, and comfortable on his lap, (Y/n) had snuggled close as her husband ate. Already being asleep by the time he finished the purple haired male simply let her rest on his chest while he finished his work, something that felt like it went by a lot quicker when he had her near. He was sure to work in near silence, wanting her to sleep easy. And when all was said and done, he was careful when lifting her into his arms and taking her back to their home. To his relief she hadn't stirred even once along the way, when he had set her on the bed he had to resist the urge to chuckle at the sleepy whine that left the girl. So with another quick kiss to her forehead he got them changed into their night clothes, he hadn't even completely laid down under the covers when seemed to sense that he was close. A large grin crossing his face at the thought of how he'd tease her in the mornings, how could he not when she was being so cute and hugging onto him in her sleep. With a soft and breathy chuckle he tucked the cover around them and held her close in return, sleep coming easy when he had her tucked away against his chest and hidden away from all but him.

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