Reno X Jealous! Reader

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Name: Reno Sinclair

From: Final Fantasy


(Y/n) sat quietly at the bar, eyes closed and sipping on a drink. Tifa was throwing a party for one reason or another, the (H/c) haired girl couldn't be bothered to try and remember as she was to busy fighting her irritation. This young lady had been in a relationship with a certain red haired monkey, he was quite loyal but when drunk he had a bad habit of flirting and being flirted with. Currently he was a few stools down, 3 girls flirting with him and he was soaking it up. She was on her 5th drink, having been so jealous that she hadn't realized how fast she was throwing them back. "Hey sis, you ok?" The sweet voice of (Y/n)'s favorite person caught her attention, she turned to Yuffie with a small smile. She loved her little sister, she was her best friend. "Re-Reno'ss drunk again." She could have facepalmed at how slurred her words were, she was certainly a power drinker when jealous. This wouldn't have really been a problem, if it wasn't for the fact she was a light weight.

Yuffie looked around until her eyes settled on Reno, her cheeks puffed as she stomped her foot. Then she got an idea. "Come on, I know who can help us." She drug her drunken big sister over to where Vincent sat with Rufus, Cloud, Tifa and Rude. "Guys, (Y/n) needs our help." That got their attention, the (H/c) haired female never asked for much so they were quick to focus. "is someone bothering you (Y/n)?" Cloud was the first to speak up, setting his drink on the table they were at. When (Y/n) looked back at the bar so did they, quickly seeing what it was that bothered the girl. Rude had facepalmed, shaking his had before giving his partner's girlfriend a sympathetic look. "I told him when we got here not to drink so much." Cloud and Vincent sighed while watching the drunk male soak up the attention he was getting, Tifa had her hands on her hips. She didn't even know who those girls were and the party was invite only, she walked over to tell the girls they had to go cause it was a private party and maybe literally kick Reno out.

"Cloud I'm gonna need your and Vincent's help with my idea. We need to teach Reno a lesson." Yuffie turned to the two males, they didn't bother arguing as they knew the young girl would get her way.




Reno sat bored at the bar and staring at his drink, the girls having left at Tifa's request with apologies. Unlike with them Tifa wasn't as nice to Reno when threatening to throw him out, he had glanced around the room to try and find his girlfriend who had dissapeared from the bar at some point. When he did find her he found her paying a lot of attention to Vincent, and surprisingly he seemed to be returning that attention. They were drinking, sitting closer together than he red haired turk was comfortable with. He stood, stumbling in a rather uncool fashion as he almost fell on his face, and made his way over to the two. He began walking faster when he watched his girlfriend begin laughing at something the older turk told her, not knowing Vincent to tell jokes this seemed to pour gas on the fire burning in him. When he got to the table they had looked to him, (Y/n) gave him a rather smarta$$ looking smirk which only made his eyes seem to darken. Seeming to sober him up a bit, his tone was rather flat when he spoke. "Hey (Y/n), can we talk outside?"

(Y/n) shrugged and excused herself to Vincent, following her red head while smirking the whole way. They went through a side door that lead to the alley, when the door closed and they were left alone (Y/n) found herself pressed to the wall before she could even open her mouth. Reno had kissed her deeply, his body pressed to hers. She of course was quick to respond with the same passion. He soon began leaving smoldering kisses along her neck, her fingers slipping up and into his hair. "Heh... Jealousy sucks huh?~" Quick to realize what had really went down he simply growled, biting roughly onto her shoulder and making her gasp. That brought a smirk to his face, he then began carrying her to his car. His anger having sobered him up, she knew where this was going and couldn't wait. But there was one thing neither even thought about, how was Rude getting home if Reno was his ride?

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