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So I have a Tumblr I've been intending to use to post smut, I haven't actually written any yet as I haven't been sure what to write nor been feeling confident in my writing (I'm always worried it's either too detailed or not detailed enough). But that isn't really the point, you see I found a Tumblr smut a while back that I enjoyed but I think I forgot to like or it was so early on I was nervous and shy about interacting. But as you can guess that means I've lost it, I've searched what I could think of and reworded it many times but just can't find what I'm looking for. This was a Keigo Takami (Hawks) smut, specifically involving a rut/heat cause of course I'm extra in the worst of ways. But anyways his lover had a rabbit quirk, both had a heat/rut coming up but both are too embarrassed to tell the other one of this natural event coming up. So both had decided on their individual ideas to hunker down in their individual homes and try to excuse their ways out of being around the other, and the before the smut part it does like a countdown of that initial like 5-7 days and how they can feel their rut/heat starting to come on and they have to keep reminding themselves that they THINK this is for the best. Of course both end up breaking down shortly after or right before the start, you invite him over and smut persues. So this is a request for my adult readers, can you find this smut for me? If you find one you think is the correct one please send me the link in a private message, the first one to find the correct one will get to pick what my first smut for Tumblr will be. Remember this is for adults, so please make sure that you are 18+ and that your age is in your bio (preferably Tumblr and here but Tumblr at the very least) if you want to be tagged. I'm thinking about opening up a book specifically for storyline prefacing the events of the smut, so say the winner wants a Tengen Uzui smut. I would post a short chapter in the book of events leading up to the day(s) of the smut, and then include like a "Continue Reader: (insert Tumblr link here)". If I've done this right then this post will appear in all of my books and as a general announcement, I will provide immediate notification as soon as the smut is found and confirmed and all of these notes will be removed to ensure that people don't try and waste their time looking for something after it's already been found. Thank you and good hunting! I hope you all find plenty of your own reads along the way. Also here's a checklist of stuff you can use to find it!

Remember this smut is on Tumblr, so only Tumblr smuts will be looked at.

Takami Keigo/Hawks


Bunny! Reader

Multi day count down

Established relationship

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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