Zelman x reader

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Name: Zelman Clock

Anime: Black Blood Brothers

Ok so I really like this anime but I never see anything for it so I want to change that! Black Blood Brothers is a short series, if you've never watched it then please do! As a favor to me, I want to see this anime get the love it deserves. This is a vampire anime, it follows two brothers and their journey to a safe place that they find themselves having to protect. It may be short but I love it.


Black Blood- Vampire

Old Blood- Any vampire that's lived longer than 100 years (Zelman is actually 800)

Red Blood- Human

Special Zone- A thriving secret city where vampires reside, it is kept separate from the part of the city where humans live. The special Zone is under the protection of the Order Coffin Company

I think that's all you'll need to know, if you have questions just watch the 12 episode long series or you know... Google it... But I mean, watching it would be more fun but you do you.


A young black blood walked about the special zone, it was dark out and she had just came to the special zone she hadn't picked a place to settle. There were 4 places, 1 being nuetral. The other 3 were affiliate houses, nicknamed Snakes, Dogs or Darkness. Before you can settle in one of these places you must speak to the leader of the house that controls the territory, unfortunately the girl had gotten lost on a couple of occasions and had only been able to check out 2 of the territories before the sun set. She looked around in confusion, a sigh escaping as she was not only tired but once again had lost her way. She had found herself infront of a large and beautiful mansion, deciding to try and ask for directions she began to make her approach. Though right when she made it to the steps icey rain began to fall, soaking her (F/C) dress by the time she made it to the door. She shivered a bit as her (H/L) (H/C) clung to her skin, her dress reached to just past her knees but it felt as if it was made of lead.

She knocked quickly on the door, her arms wrapped around herself as the rain began to pick up and the sound was almost deafening to her ears. Her sense of hearing had gone up since she was turned, though she hadn't yet adjusted to it so the sound made her dizzy. The door had opened to reveal a young woman with brown hair, it was long and she had a very professional look to her. The woman seemed surprised to see the young girl, (Y/N) simply tried to smile. "I-I'm sorry f-for the disturbance b-but I seem to b-be lost." The woman seemed to snap out of it, stepping aside as she ushered her in. "Of course, let's get you out of the rain. I'm Sayuka." (Y/N) stepped inside, relieved at the warmth within that greeted her. "I'm sorry to disturb, I recently arrived at the special zone and I haven't quite found a place to settle. I'm actually kinda lost, I don't know where any hotels are. "

Sayuka nodded, smiling softly at the young girl. She resembled a lost puppy in a new place, Sayuka looked to the door. "I see, well you are currently in the home of Zelman Clock. Leader of the house who rules this territory." The young girl nodded, brushing some hair behind her ear as she looked around in awe. Before she was turned she lived in a tiny studio apartment, she couldn't afford much so the only room separate from the main room was a bathroom that only had a; small standing shower, toilet and sink. Of course being a waitress she couldn't afford much else, so this place was by far the most expensive she had ever seen. "Sayuka, who is our guest?" A mysterious voice caught the girl's attention, looking over she spotted a breath taking male. His eyes were the exact color of blood, true crimson, and she had found herself rather entranced.

Though she quickly snapped out of it as the handsome male smirked at her, she looked to the side and gave an embarrassed smile before raising her hand in a wave. "Sorry, I'm (Y/n). I just arrived at the special zone and haven't settled in yet, I... Kinda got lost and caught in the rain." She scratched the back of her head, the man giving a slight chuckle that sent a chill rushing down her spine. "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss (Y/N), I am Zelman Clock. You are welcome to stay here until the storm blows over, though that may be a few days. You've caught us at the start of a seasonal storm." That made the girl perk up, a full fledged smile gracing her face. The purity in this smile surprised him, if not for the fact it hasn't beat in over 800 years then he would have thought he felt his heart flutter. "Wow really? Thanks Mr.Zelman, I'll try to stay out of your way." He grinned as he got out his cigarette pack, placing one between his lips as he snapped his fingers to light it. "Non sense, you're my guest and besides we will have to do your interview anyways so you can decide if you'd like to stay here." He noticed her shaking slightly from the cold, he unzipped his jacket before removing it and wrapping it around her. "That should help a little, Sayuka can you take her to one of the guest rooms and help her get settled in? Maybe get her some dry clothes so she can shower." Sayuka simply nodded, bowing slightly before gently wrapping a guiding arm around the young girl's shoulder. "Of course Master Zelman, come with me miss (Y/n). When you get out of the bath I'll be sure you have a nice meal waiting for you."

This had been 3 months ago, it had taken about a week for the storm to blow over and in that week Zelman and (Y/n) had formed an interesting friendship and he ended up inviting (Y/n) to stay and be a second personal assistant to help take the load off of Sayuka. She was with him almost all the time, the girl was childish in someways and rather innocent so Zelman found himself having to set some rules for the coven about leaving her be. Currently the two were on one of his couches, milkshakes in hand as they watched a movie. He never usually indulged such activities but he found himself enjoying them with her, everything seemed more fun with her.

Sure he found himself spoiling her but after hearing about her life before she was turned he had no qualms about it, Sayuka had found it entertaining how it seemed the "Prince with eyes the color of blood" had become wrapped around the finger of an innocent fledgling. As the credits began to roll the girl stood up, stretching as she arched her back. A big smile covered her face as she turned to Zelman, even now her innocence takes him by surprise. "So what did you think of the movie?" He chuckled, taking a sip of his milkshake as  his crimson eyes looked over her form. She was in a pair of sweats and a tanktop, the two had spent the night inside of the house goofing off. "Well I can certainly see why you like it, the characters are well developed and the special effects were pretty realistic." Honey sweet giggles escaped from (Y/n), her laughter was one of Zelman's favorite things to hear. (Y/n) sat back beside him, facing him with the purest smile he had seen aside from maybe Kotaro's. "What is it? Do I have something on my face?"

He had chuckled a bit, tilting his head. Though the feeling of something soft pressing to his lips had him quite surprised, especially when he realized that it had been (Y/n)'s lips pressed to his. Though right as he kissed back she had pulled away and hopped off the couch, her smile brightened as she held up his beanie and ran for it. Her laughter echoed down the hall, he paused for a moment before his own laughter escaped him and he stood up. He began walking in the direction she ran off, the first thing he planned to do when he caught her was to steal a kiss and maybe his beanie back if he had the time.

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