Jiro X Reader

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Name: Jiro Mochizuki

From: Black Blood Brothers


(Y/n) waited by the bridge into the special zone, the had actually met a compromiser while wondering the streets of the mainland. The young woman was a fledgeling black blood, she had no where to go and had been living in an abandoned building. She met the woman near a park, she had been walking around with a tall man in red and a blonde haired boy. The two had watched from a slight distance as the woman spoke to you, the woman wanted to save as many black bloods as she could. The woman who identified herself as Mimiko had stated that because of (Y/n)'s starved appearance she thought the girl was in need of help, which she had been.

After Mimiko had determined she was safe enough to enter the special zone they had decided that the following night they'd meet at the entrance, that way Mimiko could welcome her. So here the (H/c) haired girl stood, a backpack slung over her shoulder contained all that was owned. She had been there about 10 minutes before she spotted the black haired man from before flying towards her, when he landed just a few feet away he gave her a sheepish smile while removing his hat and bowing. "I apologise but Mimiko is running a bit late, her boss had been a bit behind on getting your approval done. She asked that I come keep you company so you didn't think she abandoned you." He stood straight, his tone was soft and kind. Blood had rushed to the girl's cheeks, kindness having been foreign since she was turned.

"It's ok... Thank you for coming to inform me." Her own voice was soft, she always got really shy around men and he seemed to radiate a welcoming aura. "My name is Jiro Mochizuki, I'm glad to officially meet you." She couldn't help but offer a small smile, bowing slightly. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Mochiziki... Michi... Mochizaki..." She began stumbling, finding his last name a bit awkward on her tongue. Her face turning cherry red at his chuckle, though she was glad he didn't get offended. "Jiro will do just fine." She had nodded, still feeling rather embarrassed. "Thank you, I'm sure Miss Mimiko already told you but my name is (Y/n)." Before they could carry on and start a real conversation Mimiko had showed up, (Y/n) was surprised how simple it was to get into the special zone but now she was faced with a new problem. Where was she gonna sleep?

They had crossed over the bridge, the young black blood looking around worriedly. "Is something wrong Miss (Y/n)?" The (H/c) haired girl looked to the little boy she learned was Kotaro, he was giving her a concerned look. "Yes, sorry. I'm just... I don't really know where I'm going to stay... Or what to do from here." The little blonde gave her a smile that almost seemed reassuring, he then turned to the young woman. "Hey Mimi, can Miss (Y/n) spend the night so we can try and find her a place to stay tomorrow?" The boy's words seemed to make Mimiko perk up, as if being hit with realization.

"I completely forgot about that, yes of course. You can stay with us and tomorrow we'll try and find you a place."

It had been 4 months since that night, she had moved into an apartment across the street from her new friends. Having learned from Mimiko that it had once been her old apartment, this of course meant she spent a lot of time with those 3. She had been adopted into the odd little group, if told 6 months ago that she'd practically make friends and get to restart her life in a place like the special zone over night she would have sworn the informer was a fool. Right now (Y/n) was sat on her bed, listening to the calm rain. Though the peace was soon disturbed by a bright flash of light, the roaring thunder making her window rattle and startling her. She wasn't sure if it was the thunder or lightening, maybe it was both, but she hated it. Even as a black blood her fear of thunderstorms remained, it was made even worse when her electricity cut out.

She rushed to get her flashlight off her desk, she felt ridiculous being a vampire and being so scared but she couldn't help it. It wasn't even 6pm yet but the skies were dark as night, so she threw on her jacket and grabbed her phone before walking out and locking the door. She proceeded to dash across the street, having made a plan seconds after losing electric. She'd go to Mimiko's, she knew the girl was likely still at work but knew Kotaro and Jiro would be home since the rain hurts Jiro. Having lost electricity and this being a rough storm she had an excuse, they didn't need to know she was scared. She knocked on the door, hoping it would be opened quickly.

It was Jiro who answered the door, a candle in hand as he let her inside. "I take it you lost power as well (Y/n)?" He sat the candle down on a small nearby table, helping her remove her wet jacket and hang it up. His own had been hung up as well, his hat was also removed. (Y/n) was hoping he wouldn't be able to see her blush, her (E/c) orbs taking in the site of Jiro in a black button up and his usual red pants. The top 2 or 3 buttons were undone, his long black hair a slight mess and the yellow candle light casting some well placed shadows on the man. Unfortunately her wavering focus left her open to be startled, a particularly loud rumble of thunder making her yelp. Her foot slipping in a small puddle of water left by her jacket, though she didn't fall to far backwards before she felt the motion stop. Jiro had caught her with one arm around her waist and the other craddled her head, he gave her a worried look as he had noticed her zoning out moments before.

"Come, let's get you settled. I set up some candles around the living room." He settled the girl back on her feet and lead her upstairs, she was relieved to see the small coffee table between the two couches had several lit candles. She could smell the tea he was brewing and it helped her feel more relaxed, the two got comfortable on one of the couches. "(Y/n) are you feeling alright? You're quieter than usual." She smiled softly at his concern, he had always been so kind to her. "Yes, sorry I'm not sure what it is but I keep finding my thoughts tend to wonder." She blushed softly, the hint of pink hidden by the dark. When the next combo of thunder and lightening rolled through the girl managed to suppress her response to a minor flinch, but it didn't go unnoticed by the old blood. He wasn't stupid, piecing together the pattern quickly he gave her a sympathetic smile and rubbed her back. This had soothed her enough he could feel the tension leave her, she gazed up at him with an innocent and confused look.

"Sorry but I could see that the storm was bothering you so I thought to comfort you." He avoided using any words that directly connected to fear, not wanting to hurt her pride if that was why she hadn't said anything. "Thank you Jiro... I've never much cared for storms like this..." If her heart was still beating she was sure he would have heard it racing, she wasn't as embarrassed when wording it like this but it still made her embarrassed. Jiro was an old blood, he was from a time when black bloods were strong and prideful. Then here she was, stirred up and bothered by flashing light and a loud noise. Though his smile erased the stinging she felt in her pride. "Would you like some tea? Even if we don't necessarily need it I do find it relaxing."

     Time skip: 4 hours

Mimiko didn't make it back til somewhat late, Kotaro had wanted to go to work with her so she had to carry the sleeping boy home. It was 11pm and the storm had lightened, though she was irritated to see that the power was still out. The candles still burned but they were running low, she was a bit confused when she saw Jiro and (Y/n) asleep on the couch. He had been sitting up, an arm around the younger female who seemed rather comfortable using his chest as a pillow. Mimiko could only giggle, she'd get the story later. She went to place Kotaro in bed before returning to throw a cover over the two, as well as to take a picture for black mail purposes.

"Heh... I ship it..." After sending the picture to a few of their friends she went to get herself ready for bed, thankful the next day she didn't have to be up till noon.

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