Vincent Valentine X Reader

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Name: Vincent Valentine

From: Final Fantasy

So Vincent is another character I'm fond of, I know big surprise there and I know what you're thinking "Well I would have never f*****g guessed, you're just writing about him without a request." *Vincent shifting uncomfortably in the quiet corner* But I mean, when y'all make requests you're kinda telling me your favorites so I like to mark the ones I particularly like because i am just one step above being that author who only talks in an A/N and always keeps it brief and direct... I forgot where I was going with this... Had something to do with I feel rude in a way because I'm just one step from being a recluse author... Either way I just like sharing so... Bleh.

Also this takes place after Dirge of Cerberus.


(Y/n) wandered alone in a snowy forest, searching for safety as fast as her icy bare feet could carry her. Her blood was frozen and her body ached, the only thing that protected her battered form was her under clothing. She could hear yelling not far behind her, her pursuers demanding she stop and shouting threats. She was relieved when after her trek up a steep slope she spotted what looked to be a large abandoned house, she knew she'd be able to hide easily in such a place and made a b-line for it. Using what was left of her energy to carry herself into it and down to its deepest depths, she was slightly scared to find a coffin but spotted a large empty box with the lid beside it.

Little did she know she was being watched ever since she entered the room, the dark haired male watching from a crack in his coffin as the battered girl hid in the box and placed the lid on. Her bare and battered form told him she was the victim of something, and that thing became known when he heard the slurred voices of two men entering his home. They shouted obscenities and spit violent threats, the male understood the general situation and emerged from his coffin to wait for them.

(Y/n) watched with wide (E/c) orbs through a gap in the wood as the onyx haired man emerged from his place within the coffin, though she tensed when watching the two men who had attacked her enter the room. The next few moments was a blur, before she knew what happened the two men laid unconscious on the floor. "You can come out now... You're safe." He didn't even turn to look at her, moving to go throw the two men back down the slope. When he came back the (H/c) haired girl stood near his coffin, watching him with hesitant eyes. "Come, we should take care of your injuries." Her (E/c) orbs watched him, despite his appearance he seemed kind he was just quiet. So she followed him, when he noticed her feet he scooped her up and began to carry her up the stairs. "Sorry but your feet look like they're in pretty bad shape.." His voiced rumbled softly, making the doe eyed girl blush and nod as she relaxed into his hold.

And that was how she met her best friend, and ever growing crush.

It had been months since the event, Vincent learned that night that (Y/n) was homeless and the two men were human traffickers who got shut down thanks to a few of Vincent's friends. The quiet man offered to let her stay in one of the rooms upstairs, to show her gratitude she spent any time she wasn't doing something cleaning the place and repairing things. Her father built homes, doing everything from construction to electric and water. It wasn't long before she had the place looking nice, though Vincent constantly told her that none of it was necessary. Even still he'd lend a hand, she enjoyed his company even if they were sitting in silence.

Right now (Y/n) was in the kitchen, scrubbing the tile floor to get up all the built up dirt and debris. "If you keep working so hard you'll be in bed for days." She could only chuckle at this, Vincent stood leaned against the door frame and watched her. Over time they grew to know each other, discussing even some of their darkest experiences and secrets over a couple bottles of wine. She knew of his past love and the ever remaining heart ache, so she always tried to stomp out the warm feeling that grew in her chest when he spoke. "True, but at least it will look pretty."

To that Vincent sighed and approached her, offering her his hand. "Come take a break, I used that phone you fixed to call in a few favors to get some stuff done." She almost melted as she gazed up at him, fighting her blush as she took his hand. His eyes glanced over the bruises on her knuckles from cleaning, her hands slightly dry from the work but that only concerned him. Over time he grew fond of the girl, it was similar to what he's felt before but this feeling for (Y/n) tested his self control. He did well at hiding it though, assisting her up he let go of her hand to both of their dismay.

They then made their way to his room, she had cleaned it up first thing. He still had his coffin but the room is cleaner and there was some furniture now, one of which being the leather couch she sat on as he prepared their drinks. She knew something was on his mind, as unhealthy as this was it was common thing for both for when they needed to talk. "Is everything ok Vincent?..." His silence was different from usual, it seemed tense.

"Yes just... A bit distracted." He moved to sit by her, passing her a glass as he sipped on his. They sat quietly, she waited for him knowing he was searching for the words he needed. "(Y/n)... Tell me have you ever experienced a strong fondness for someone?" This confused her, was he really asking if she liked anyone? "I do actually... He's out of my reach though as he loves someone else..." She wasn't lying, she was just wrong. To that he simply nodded, taking another sip of his wine. "Vincent... Please tell me what's wrong, you're worrying me..." She moved closer to him and placed her hand on his knee, the tense silence different to her and it made her a bit anxious.

She was surprised when he turned to face her, taking the hand on his knee between his hands. The look in his eyes was intense, she was unable to hold her blush as he seemed to search for something in her eyes. He seemed to find it as a gleam in his eyes had her leaning into him more, she found herself nestled into his chest as her head rested on his shoulder and her arms were wrapped around his waist. When she realized what she did she went to lean away, only to be stopped when his arms wrapped around her and held her close.

"(Y/n)... I love you..."

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