Masrur X Slave! Reader

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Name: Masrur
From: Magi

So the first time I heard Masrur my heart hurt because he sounded so familiar, upon looking it up his voice actor is actually the voice actor of Mikoto Suoh from K... 😭 I'm so stuck cause I'm “happy” cause they are similar characters so it's like "Yay! The Red King lives on!" But then it's like memories of his death and die all over x.x
It was a beautiful day in Sindria, Sinbad and his generals had decided to take a walk though the kingdom that afternoon and see how the citizens were fairing. They had just made their way to the outskirts, walking along a trail through a small forested area in the northern part of the kingdom. The sides of the trail were slightly raised and lined with fruit trees and flowery bushes, it was a rather beautiful place given the various colorful aray of flowers that bloomed through out the area. Though soon they came to a stop when the sound of a loud rustling to their right reached them, like something was just hauling a$$ through the forest.

Masrur could hear the individual footsteps, and easily made out that they were human, given their pace he moved to shift to a fighting stance just incase. But then a young girl came tumbling through the greenery, falling rather hard to the sandy ground bellow. He could hear her whimper as she pulled her battered body upwards to sit on her knees, she was definitely a fenalis, though her hair was a bit of a lighter pink which had likely meant she was kept somewhere dark. It was almost like cotton candy, at least what he could see that wasn't tangled with blood and mud.

Her body had barely been covered by a grey ragged dress with splatters of blood old and fresh easily seen, what could be scene of her body was a sad sight. Her skin was covered in scars, some being faded while others appeared to have only recently healed, though most concerning were the open gashes on her back. The back of her dress was a shredded and bloody mess, showing that she had been whipped rather violently within the last few hours. She was much smaller than someone her age should have been, the girl clearly being underfed. The chains on her wrists and broken shackles on her ankles told them all else they needed to know, she was a slave.

Slavery was something not allowed within Sindria, infact slave owners were punished quite severely when caught passing through. "Miss are you ok?.." Sinbad spoke softly but still she jumped, the small female tried to move away but she merely fell over with a whimper. She was severely injured, her pain rendering her frail body near immobile. She couldn't move and she was obviously terrified, though when Sinbad began to approach she didn't try to run again. Instead she closed her eyes and curled up with a sob, it made Masrur's heart clench though he did not show it. The girl was broken, having been mistreated for so long that she was quick to submit and accept the beating as she knew any more resistance could hurt her more.

"Hey now it's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you." The others slowly approached, Masrur moving the closest as he kneeled down and listened to Sinbad's words. That's when something came to mind, his large hands were gentle when taking her small hand in his own before he pressed it over his heart. He felt something spark in him as he watched her calm down, she watched him as he reached up to wipe her tears. The purple haired leader quirked a brow but when he noticed how she seemed to calm he tried again. "I am Sinbad, the ruler of Sindria. These men are my generals, we simply want to help you. Will you let us?"

The girl glanced away from Masrur for a moment to lock eyes with Sinbad before looking back to the fellow Fenalis, Masrur had gave a slight head nod and so returned to looking at Sinbad before nodding her own head. Masrur, careful as can be, lifted the girl bridal style and tucked her against his chest. He knew she was hurt and didn't want to make it worse, he didn't want to cause her any more pain. Though before the group could leave a creepy voice was heard from just beyond the bushes, it creaked and cracked like a demon of the old world. "My sweet song bird where have you gone? Must I clip your wings for you to stay?" 

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