Chapter One

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"Ryla of Cetrica you have risen through the ranks at an alarming rate and the King requests your presence in his court at only the age of twenty and being a knight for only four years, your natural skill has peeved the king's presence " Celius the royal messenger relays to her at the practice field

"When does he desire I be there"

"As soon as possible this is a high honor only his first and second in command had the pleasure to dine with him" she dismisses him with a wave as leader of the holy squadron of the king's protectors she out ranks him. She looks to her men and sighs much is to do with the new recruits but the king comes first. This way of thinking is the very thing that will cause the downfall of kingdoms , it may very well be their doom. She couldn't leave new recruits untrained any longer than necessary, she looks up at Ara and she made a decision.

"Ara take over training" her friend looks to her with wondering eyes

"Of course Astra" he says as her second in command he is her most trusted ally and has pledged undying allegiance to her alone. His dark grey eyes twinkle with amusement as she grunts at the nickname he insists on using. His long blonde hair tied back, a color he had always been made fun of for, a demon they called him in his youth, because the color was not a human one.

"Drill them I want them to be sore when I return" he gulps and her men shudder they will pay for Ara's remark.

Ryla travels along the barracks of the knights and prepares herself for her meeting with the king. She dresses in her royal armor the king sent it as a gift for accepting the leading position of the holy knights. It was specially designed for her, the tight black armored pants allow for quick deft movements and the matching chestplate and arm guards protect her form while the royal symbol on her chest signifies her importance. A Knight fully clothed in black, Odessa's Lion, the Shadow. Her face lines with an emotion, for a brief moment, disgust is clear.

She travels the path leading to the palace as soon as the guard's see her they drop to one knee. It seems her latest challenge has circled around.

"Ryla of Cetrica this way the king has been expecting you."

A wind blows through shifting her midnight hair to the side as she stares down at this guard her gaze sending chills through his very being. He scrambles up and quickly opens the gate and silently she walks through the beautiful hallways of the palace. She finally reaches the royal dining room. She knocks powerfully twice only on the door leading into the room where the king awaits.

"Who is it" calls a deep booming voice that cannot be mistaken for anyone's but the King's.

"Ryla of Cetrica"

The door in front of her swings open

"My apologies I did not expect you so soon come in please come in and have a seat my family will be joining us soon as well as My first in command Aegis of Catra" the king walks around the table and takes a seat as soon as he sits down she moves and takes the seat across the table to his left.

The door swings open and a young man walks in and takes a seat opposite of her

"My name is Lucian " he offers his hand she reaches over the table and takes it

"Ryla of Cetrica Leader of the Holy Knights" she retracts her hand and sits down he lets out a gasp his eyes widening at her title he did not expect to dine with a legend.

The door is opened again and as she turns to look at the door she sees a woman walk in with two more children behind her and they stop in their tracks

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