Chapter 64

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" Talk. " The new master of Fairy Tail had stood with arms crossed and staring straight at the pinkenette. " Natsu didn't mean to do it. " Happy had said, he sprouted his wings and began to fly around our heads. " Didn't I tell you to stay with Carla? " Natsu wined, Happy had huffed and flew off back into the guild. Natsu and I were stood behind the newly built wooden walls of the guild.
" I-I um, I needed to get stronger. Without you. And I knew if I- "

" Master Y/n? " Natsu and Y/n both groaned in unison. " Levy you don't need to call me master, this is temporary. " Natsu pointed a finger at the small girl and yelled. " You interrupted us! " Y/n had slapped Natsu's arm and approached Levy. " Stop being rude! " Y/n cleared her throat and simply smiled. " Oh, some guy said he needed to meet with you about something important. He said guild master stuff. "

" Some guy? " Natsu questioned, the fire inside him and bubbled and he could slowly feel himself getting angry. Some strange guy wanted to take his girl? " Mest. " Mest could manipulate the mind, memories and thoughts, much like me. His spell had worked on me once until I had found out what he did to my brain, then I canceled out the magic and got my memories back. I went to follow Levy before my wrist was caught by my fire dragon slayer. " We're not done talking. " He mumbled, he had frowned and his eyes glimmered with tears, though Y/n didn't notice them.

" I have stuff to do, we'll finish this later Natsu. " Her voice was stern and had Natsu step back in shock, his eyes widen slightly before he breathed out and dropped her wrist. She turned and walked away leaving Natsu standing there in silence. His heart aching at the loneliness he felt, he just wanted her forgiveness. Natsu held a hand over his chest, a sudden ache had surprised him. His chest burned more than the fire inside him. She was slipping away, his mate was disappointed at him and the dragon inside of his didn't approve of the current situation.

" What is that? " Mest had walked ahead on the current Master of Fairy Tail, inside of the huge hidden basement was a crystal, a purple crystal that stood in the middle of the room. A familiar person was held inside, and when Y/n had got a full view she couldn't help but widden her eyes and stand back. " This is Fairy Tails ultimate secret, the Lumen Histoire. "  Suddenly loud arguing had echoed off the door, I turned around to find Team Natsu all piled on top of one another, each one of them were stood outside of the door, trying to listen in on the conversation. 
" Serioulsy, I literally said only guild masters are aloud, it's very important that we maintain it sanctity. " I breathed out and a scowl appeared on my face. " Whatever. "

A little while later 

" Were going to get gramps. " Y/n had looked up at Gray, she dropped her pen and shrugged. " Cool. " Gray had sweatdropped. " You're not gonna stop us? " Y/n simply  yawned and leaned back into her chair. " Why would I? This job kinda sucks. You two wanna go with? You probably don't want to sit around and watch me do paperwork. " April and Myles happily jumped up from their spot, bright smiles on their faces.
" We'll bring Gramps back! "
" Aye you can count on us! "
" Alright just come back in one piece. " I smiled and pet Myles head, he leaned into my touch and smiled up at me. The two hopped off the desk I sat at and followed Team Natsu. " Make sure to not cause too much trouble! " I yelled at them. 

" Hey! " I yelped and jumped back, almost falling out of my chair. Gajeel had popped up in front of me, he slammed his forearm agaisnt the desk and smirked down at me. I groaned and rubbed my head. " Wanna go get Sparky with us? " I tilted my head. " Us? " He held a toothy smirk and simply nodded. " Team B." I groaned and scooted my chair back. " Fine, whatevers gonna get me away from this paperwork. "

" Huh I guess I never thought to ask you where the Thunder Legion is. " Cana had said, the rest of team B had all looked at Y/n. " Oh, well I guess she is closer to the Thunder Legion than the rest of us. " 

" Well let's go already chop chop! "

At Blue Pegasus

" What are you doing here? You're not supposed to come until Thursday! " Evergreen had ran up to me, Bixslow and Freed in tow. I smiled. " We came to bring everyone back to Fairy Tail! Where's Laxus? "
" You're back! Welcome back princess! "
" Welcome back! " The three Blue Pegasus pretty boys were there to greet your arrival, they bowed in unison and smirked. Freed had ran over, yelling and waving his arms around. " You stay away from her! Laxus will never allow this behavior! " Freed huffed and stood in front of you, blocking you from the three Blue Pegasus members.

" I'm Laxus and Y/n's personal guard! You do not get to use your ways to seduce her! " Freed had pointed a finger at the three men who sweatdropped in unison. " Freed calm down! " Evergreen had ran to her side, pulling on Freed's arm. " You calm down Freed, were all friends here right? " Laxus had appeared in between the three men, he had leaned an elbow on Hibiki's and Eve's shoulders, the two jumping in fear.

" Hey what brings you here! " Laxus smiled happily, he pushed past the three men and wrapped his large body around me. " We came to bring you back to Fairy Tail. " She mumbled in his chest, he pulled away and looked down at her. " We? "

" We've come for the lightning wizard! And the Thundrr Legion as well! " Y/n sighed and looked at the rest of Team B. " Fairy Tail's back together! You're looking at Fairy Tail's 7th Master! " Y/n pointed at herself and smiled proudly, her hands on her hips and head held high. " Wow really that's great! Well let's go then! "

" About that, we need to borrow the Cristina. "

That's the end of this chapter!
Bye my Unicorns XOXO

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