Chapter 56

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After the fight had come to a final conclusion we were left with the aftermath. Although it was a long story the dragons had made an appearance, well their final appearance. They explain everything about their disappearance before vanishing for the last time. Dimenshia had met my mates, well most of them. Laxus was still in his unconscious state while Nastu was busy with, well Igneel. The exceeds happily met Dimenshia and when it was time to say goodbye I finally let her go. Many things happened after the battle. Magnolia was destroyed, almost every town and building was in rubble. Although everything was destroyed we were eager to get building everything again.

Everest had hung around the guild, although he didn't have an emblem yet he was eager to help build the guild and earn his mark. As weird as it was Everest had gotten closer to Lucy, when all of us dragon slayers caught them talking to one another just outside of the rubble of the guildhall, we all knew. Everest found his mate, it was thee Lucy Heartfillia. They knew instantly, they saw the look he had.

That night had come around and when it did, I was shocked to find Lucy on my doorstep. When I found Lucy on my doorstep with tears in her eyes I knew something was wrong. I welcomed her inside my home and sat her down with a cup of tea. When she told me the horrible news, I almost dropped my own tea onto the carpet. My eyes widened and my heart stopped, it was days after the battle and as bad as it sounded. Natsu had left, without a goodbye.
He had left a letter to Lucy and that was it. He didnt even bother to say goodbye, and he would be gone for a year?

" Are you kidding me! You're joking right! " I stood surrounded by the rest of my comrades who were all as shocked as I was. " I'm afraid not my children. You need to walk your own path. " I clenched my hands and stepped forward. " T-then I'll take over as guild master. This is my home I'm not leaving. I'll fix it up. " I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed. Everyone turned to Gramps and quickly agreed.
" Yes! "
" Master Y/N here she comes! "
The area around us was destroyed, the guild was reduced to nothing but rocks and old charred wooden boards, I knew fixing it up would be a lot of work but if keeping my title as a Fairy Tail member, its worth it, I grew up here so im fighting for my home. 

" I'm not arguing with you on this. You will go home and don't come back. That's final. "

Everyone started murmuring as Gramps turned his back. I stepped forward, my voice cracking in the mix. " Why are you doing this? " With his back turned he looked at me with the corner of his eye before he continued to walk. I didn't notice till he was out of sight that my eyes were leaking tears. " Y/n. " Myles looked up at me with a frown. " What are we gonna do now? " April stood next to her brother before looking up at me as well. " I don't know. "

1 week Later.

Many of the members have decided to walk on their own paths. Alzack and Bisca stopped by before they departed on their journey, they were the first to leave. Wendy and Carla, who lived with me were currently packing to embark on their next journey. They were going to join Lamia Scale. The last week was dull, everyone didn't know what to do after Gramps disappeared. The Thunder Legion, Gajeel, Lily, myself and the exceeds were going to travel. Although we didn't know where we were going to end up. I decided to leave the house as it is, I bought the house years ago but I have yet to know what to do with it.

Wendy came hopping down the stairs with Carla in tow, they carried suit cases and many things for their move. " I wanna take you there. " I stood up from the couch, waking Myles in the process who laid right beside me. " Oh you don't have to! " I smiled and walked over to the blue haired girl, I approached her before wrapping my arms around her. She yelp, I hugged her tightly before she dropped her luggage and wrapped her arms around me. " Y/n-Chan. I wanted to thank you. " She mumbled, my lips lifted, I set my head on top of hers. " You don't have to thank me for anything. "

" But I do. You brought me to Fairy Tail, you let me live here for free. You let me go on jobs with you all the time, you make me food, you clean my clothes, you even buy me things when I tell you not to. You're like a parent to me. " She shyly said, I smiled and pulled away from the hug. I looked down at her and ruffled her hair. " And I'm glad to be your parent Wendy. " She smiled, her eyes began to water before she started to wipe them. I picked up her luggage before a portal appeared right in front of us. " Now, Lamia Scale is right ahead if you're ready. " She nodded her head.

" We'll miss you Wendy, Carla. " Myles and April had run over to the three of us. They exchanged hugs with Carla before looking up at Wendy. " Are you going anywhere? I'd like to visit you. " She looked back at me with puffy eyes. " I think I'm joining Sabertooth. But I'm not to sure yet, I'll have to see where Laxus and Gajeel take me. " She nodded her head a soft smile leaving her lips.

" I'll make sure to send you lots of letters. " I handed her luggage to her and looked down at Carla. " Take care of this one. " Carla smiled. " I think we should go before I decide to stay. " Wendy giggled and stepped through the portal with Carla in tow. We waved at her as she approached the doors of Lamia Scale. She looked back at us and shouted. " Thank you for everything Y/N! We'll miss you! " Her face brightened before she turned back towards the doors and began to open them.

I shut the portal, watching Wendy step through the guildhall of Lamia Scale. I looked down at the exceeds and picked the two up. " Were going to Sabertooth? " Myles asked, he wiggled out of my arm and took a seat on my shoulder. " We'll see. " I took the ability to travel around the house, turning off everything and putting valuables in my bag to take with me. Many things were still in my house and most likely will still be there when I come to visit. I grabbed many of my favorites clothes and items I'd need for my travel which were hidden in bags by the front door. April and Myles had packed a small suitcase of things they'd take with us but no doubt we'd be back again.

When everything was turned off and the house was clean and quiet we had decided to finally leave. We gathered our few bags before exiting the house and locking it behind us. We made our way towards Gajeel's house. His house wasn't far form mine, maybe a block or two away. The exceeds were busy talking at my feet about where we might end up but they were happy to hopefully see Lector and Frosh at our stop to Sabertooth. When arriving at Gajeel's house we had walked in with no care in the world, Levy was sat on the couch with a book in her hand while Gajeel and Lily were no where to be seen, though I could smell them in the house.

" Hi Y/n! " Levy waved and set down her book, some of her luggage was piled beside her. Only a few small bags. " I hope you don't mind but I'll be joining your trip. " I simply shrugged, I didn't mind at all I loved Levy she was so sweet. " I don't mind, we don't really know where we're planning on going but the more the merrier. " With that Gajeel came waltzing out of his bedroom carrying multiple suitcases, Lily behind him was carrying bags as well. " Hey Shrimp where have you been?" I waved and sat on the small chair beside the huge sofa. " I was helping Wendy and Carla get to Lamia Scale. "

" They're joining? " Levy asked, I puffed out my lips and nodded. I gotta admit I was a tad bit disappointed she didn't want to join Sabertooth with me but I knew she wanted to be with Shelia. " Are we just waiting on The Thunder Legion? " I asked, I tossed my head back and looked up at Gajeel who stood behind my chair. He leaned forward and crossed his arms above the top of the chair. " Looks like it. " I yawned and closed my eyes. Gajeel was getting ready to move, he was gonna sell the house right after we found a permanent place to make our new home. I laid back with my eyes closed for a few minutes right before a knock was presented at the door, with that Gajeel answered and in came the thunder legion with their luggage.

We were all gathered around the living room, all of us not knowing where the future would take us but we had eachother so we wouldn't mind where we ended up.

That's the end of this chapter!
Bye my Unicorns XOXO

Mighty ( All Dragon Slayers x OC)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα