Chapter 61

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This is the story of Futurs Y/n's death!

Everyone had flashed eachother a sad look. Frosch, our dear little Frosch was killed on a mission. We all stood around the funeral in silence but it was a different kind of silence. Everyone was sad yet confused. Rouge, Frosch's best friend and all time companion. He had yet to make an appearance at the funeral, and it was almost over. I sat beside  Sting and Lector while April and Myles sat beside me, we sat at the front of the crowd unsure of what to do next.

There was an empty seat beside us, for Rouge. We all looked at one another then at the seat that stood empty. " I'm going to find him. " I muttered, I stood up from my seat and began to walk out of the small chapel. Right before I left the four Sting had grabbed my wrist. " Hey. I think he's at the guild, not home. " I nodded, we had rooms at the guild and our own home we shared. " Yeah, I'll go get him. "
I rubbed my hand agaisnt the fur ontop of  Lector's head who stopped sniffling and looked up at me. " Stay strong buddy. " He softly smiled and rubbed against my hand. " Are you two staying here? " I asked April and Myles, the two looked up at my from the bench and softly nodded. My lips turned as I rubbed their heads as well before taking my leave.

I had walked down the isle and reached the doors at the end. I glanced back at the small coffin that held Frosch and at the picture that sat beside the coffin, a picture of a smiling Frosch on Rouge's lap who also held a small yet happy smile. I frowned before pushing past the doors. Once exiting the chapel I had opened a portal right outside Rouge's bedroom. I stepped throw the portal and quickly noticed the shuffling on the other side of the door. I pushed open the door, suprised at what lied before my eyes.

The room was completely trashed, Rouge was beside his dresser stuffing clothes in his bag and mumbling words to himself. " Hey! " I yelled, he stiffened and slowly turned towards  me, I widened my eyes at the sight. His left held black lining that crawled up his face and his hair, it was begining to turn gray. His eyes held a piercing glare that gave me goosebumps. " What happened to you? " I started walking towards him with widened eyes. He began to laugh, but the laugh was filled with something much more sinister.

I stopped in my tracks, my ultimate reaction was to step back in shock. The lining on his face began to grow larger. " Rouge? " My voice came out shaky before I noticed the small bag in his hand. " What are you doing? " I walked forward to reach the bag, I had tried to grab the bag. He had decided to not let go of the bag and instead yanked it back. " Let go! " He growled, I gasped and fell back, slipping on a stray teeshirt on the floor and falling back onto the tan carpet. " What is going on with you! Why aren't you at Frosch's funeral! And why are you packing your things! " He smirked, a toothy smirk which I had never ever seen before. The smirk seemed almost evil and a dark shadow had began to loom over him. My heart almost stopped, my eyes were widened as I began to slowly crawl away.

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