Chapter 28

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I jumped up from bed, hissing in pain and gasping for breath. It was the middle of the night and I had the same nightmare from before. It felt like I was drowning, I felt like I was reaching for the surface but let the water overwhelm me and I sank to the bottom. Watching your friends get killed before your eyes were one thing but knowing that it was your father who did it was another, the dream constantly made me feel pathetic and I hated that word with a passion.

Feeling pathetic made me feel awful, knowing I could've done something but was too weak to even move my own feet. Of course, it was a dream but the dream was starting to feel real. I let the dream take over my mind when I'm sleeping that sometimes I don't even sleep after. That probably why I'm starting to get weaker and weaker threw every passing day, I wasn't getting the sleep I needed.

If I was lucky I'd get 3 to 4 hours, but usually, I stay up till I can see the sunrise and that wasn't healthy for my body. The pain was starting to reveal itself from my bandages, it ached and had me crying out in pain even louder than before. Gajeel was a light sleeper, that was one of the many things I knew about him. The lamp beside Gajeel's bed had flickered on, he adjusted his eyes to the know bright light before whipping off his blanket and speeding over to me. " You okay? " I tried my hardest to adjust to my now uncomfortable state which was much harder than I thought I'd be. " Ah, my chest hurts. I don't remember it hurting like this. " Gajeel's lips turned into a small smile, he adjusted my pillow from behind my back and ruffled my hair. " Your pain medicine probably wore off. We'll get you some more when you see Porlyusica later. " I rubbed my eyes and yawned out. I was tired that was for sure. " I had another nightmare. " Gajeel sat at the end of my bed and tiredly breathed out. " Isn't that the third one this week? " I nodded, this happened three times already, it was probably something I should be wary of but I didn't seem to care enough to get help. To me, it seemed like something that was untreatable. 

" Can you sleep here? " Gajeel didn't hesitate to walk over and turn off his lamp before taking the empty spot next to my bed. During that whole night, the pain seemed to float away and disappear, the nightmare didn't come back and for once I wasn't afraid to go to bed, knowing I had someone by my side.
The next Day

I frowned and stared down at my comrades in the arena, I wish I was down there taking Natsu's place, but after fighting and arguing with the rest of Fairy Tail I lost as was to sit back at watch the upcoming fights. I was healing, to say the least, but I wanted to be in the action. Fighting for the last day, yet I was stuck here sitting next to the exceeds and staring off into space. I frowned down at the jacket I was wearing, I began fiddling with the fabric before a smile laid itself on my face. " Don't worry shorty, were winning this. " Laxus dropped me his jacket that he never let anyone else wear I happily wrapped it around my arms and snuggled into its warmth. " Get out there and fight you, numskulls! " I looked over at Gramps and sighed, they all just stood there while the rest of the teams wrapped up points. Lamia Scale, Sabertooth, Blue Pegasus they were all collecting points pretty quickly.

I couldn't help but glance back at the Sabertooth waiting area, Frosh was the only exceed there. Lector nowhere to be found. It felt strange to me that Lector of all members would miss his best friends fights. About ten minutes into the fight was when Fairy Tail started moving, each one of our members running to their designated areas in which Master Mavis told them to. I smiled once each one of the members blocked Rufu's attack, the night of the shooting stars attack he used on day one. Once blocking the attack the five members went running again, Erza taking out Jenny of Blue pegasus. Gajeel and Gray taking out Hibiki, Ren, and Eve from Blue Pegasus as well. Earning us three points. I straightened my posture and let out a cheer of happiness. We were wracking up points no problem, while time went by, Gray had run into Rufus.

From what I heard, Gray was at a disadvantage when fighting Rufus, but from his fighting and how much he has improved. I couldn't believe that. Gray was part of Team Natsu, according to Mirajane Team Natsu was the strongest group in the guild. Gray definitely could do it, even if Master Mavis didn't believe it. " I'm sorry you didn't get to fight today. " Lisanna sat beside me, smiling at me before looking up at the lacrima. " I'm sorry too, but they're doing amazing so I think it was for the best. I'm still healing so if something happened to me down there I would have screwed up the plan. " Lis smiled over at me right before Lily had walked over and sat down in my lap. " Hey, buddy. " I ruffled Lily's fur and rolled his ears in between my fingers. " Hi Y/n, how are you doing? " I looked back up at the lacrima and nodded. " I think I'm doing good. Wendy's healing helped a lot and Porlyusica said I should be back to normal real soon, ooh ooh look Erza's fighting! "

I stared in awe at the sight of Erza, she stood focused, whipping around a sword with the girl Kagura from Mermaid Heel. The two were fighting head to head with swords, I did not doubt that Erza was going to win. She was amazing when it came to sword fighting. " Woah no way. " Freed stood next to me, wide-eyed at Minerva who had interrupted the two. Using her magic to push the two back and stand tall in the middle. Now stood Minerva, Erza, and Kagura and three-way battle. Each girl, stood glaring at one another, glowing with their magic flowing through their bodies. The air around us became tense, it felt like slow motion once they all started charging at one another. I couldn't help the forming smile across my face once the three started brawling, I just couldn't help myself, Erza's fights were always a sight to see.

The three were at each other's throats much like how Gray and Natsu are, there was no doubt that each female wizard had such amazing power but I just knew that Erza was gonna take the win. Crazy at it is, Erza gives it her all and doesn't give up till she stands tall with her fallen opponents laying under her. " Wow, she is something. " I stared up at the lacrima, holding Lily in my arms with the same grin spread across my face, I always got excited about Erza's fights, they were just so entertaining. I watched as Minerva used her strange magic against the two, a huge explosion went off before whispers and mutters echoed into the stadium. The whole stadium went silent, the anticipation filling the air, everyone knew that Minerva, from what I could tell everyone knew Minerva was gonna win but really she was gonna fall. 

That's the end of this chapter, the dragons are coming soon!
Bye my unicorns XOXO

Mighty ( All Dragon Slayers x OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن