Chapter 59

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The short time between us had ended. Gajeel was sent back to work almost immediately the next day. I want to accompany him on his job but due to the job being "too dangerous" he had left with a reassuring kiss on my head and a promise that he'd come home safe. I was packing my things for my next destination, the small hideout of Crime Sorciere. Soon after the Tartaros battle I had met my final mate. Erik. We had talked for a long time and spent time together before we fully accepted eachother as a mate. Now I not only had his scale mounted on my neck with the others but I had the Crime Sorciere guild mark on my left shoulder blade.

Due to my time travling around Ishgar I had collected more guild marks then I've ever had. Though being in multiple guilds at once was considered forbidden I was given an exception from the magic council who had taken my reasons into consideration. I was in a different guild more than I could count. Blue pegasus was another guild mark I had collected, when the thunder legion had joined I still wasn't sure if that would be my new home. I ended up traveling there quite a lot to visit Laxus but when they left on jobs I had to stay behind or visit another dragon slayer.

Due to not having a proper emblem I couldn't represent the Blue Pegasus guild. Master Bob was the first to vouch for me after hearing my problem with the few guilds I was constantly at. Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus, not to mention the Fairy Tail mark that I still refused to get rid of. Master Bob sat down with me and listened to my frustration about the emblem rules before he took my problem to the council. I was grateful for the use to be wizard saints once they had granted me permission to have multiple emblems on my body. The Blue Pegasus emblem was then stamped on my right shoulder blade.

The last emblem I had collected was from Sabertooth. I was there quite a lot to spend time with Sting and Rouge, and the exceeds absolutely loved the company they got with Lector and Frosch. So I decided to get my final and last guild mark. They had stamped my Sabertooth mark below my shoulder blades and in the middle of my back.

I lifted my luggage in both hands, watching April and Myles grab their luggage as well. I looked around the room, replaying all the things I had packed to make sure I had everything. Once I hummed I'm approval I opened a portal, the exceeds were the first to step through it. I'm seconds they were already happily dropping their luggage and going to greet the Crime Sorciere members in their small hideout on the outskirts of Magnolia. It was hidden in the forest and blind to the human eye unless weakening the magic that hid the base in plain sight.

I dropped my bag on the bed Erik and I shared before entering the room the exceeds had ran off to. Inside the living area was Jellal, Angel, and Erik. Jellal and Angel were reviewing a map of a dark guild they were planning on taking down within the next few days. April and Myles were greeting Erik who held a tiny smile and crouched down to greet them. I leaned against the doorway watching the exceeds interact with my poison dragon slayer. Myles was smiling brightly and showing Erik is new button up shirt Sting and Lector had given him for their birthday just 6 days ago. April was given a gold plated tea cup which she happily accepted with the brightest smile on her face.

" Hey. " Erik turned his head towards me, waving me over to the group. I happily walked over and stood beside my mate.


" No- I um, I haven't spoken with her in a bit
We've been busy with the festival but I um, I think she's with Sabertooth but I'm not sure. " Wendy sat across from Nastu and Lucy, Natsu demanding the whereabouts of Y/n who he hasnt seen in over 8 months. " Well get your stuff together and we'll go find her and everyone else! " A wide toothy smile spread across Natsu's face. " Well um, I'm a member of Lamia Scale now, I can't just up and leave everyone. " Wendy smiled sweetly while Nastu and Lucy had gasped in shock. " I'm sorry. " Wendy had said, she frowned at the expressions her friends had made. " You don't have to stay here for our sakes, we knew from the start that this time would come someday. "

Wendy had looked over from Lyon to Nastu and Lucy. She nibbled on her bottom lip unsuringly. " But why can't you come with us! " Nastu jumped up, his hands laying flat on the table. " She's clearly made up her mind, so please don't berate her for it. " Carla had appeared, she no longer was the small cat everyone knew her for. She was the size of Wendy, standing tall as the form of a human, despite the ears and tail. " HOW THE HECK ARE YOU HUMAN! " Natsu had yelled, Happy and Lucy were wondering the same thing. They both sat behind Natsu with the most surprised expressions on their faces.

" Not the point, if you're hear to locate Y/n and bring Wendy back to the guild, we can't help you. Y/n hasn't contacted us in days, we aren't sure of her location but due to her recurring schedule she should be somewhere between Crime Sorciere and Sabertooth. " Nastu's mouth dropped open, how the heck are they supposed to find Crime Sorciere?

Back to Crime Sorciere

" Have your heard? " Meldy had said, I tilted my head and looked towards her. All of Crime Sorciere were gathered in the living area, discussing the upcoming mission of taking down an active dark guild. " What? " I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned into the sofa between Erik and Nightmare. " There was sightings of Natsu in Crocus just yesterday. " That one thought had me gritting my teeth, April and Myles had both looked at me. I froze in my spot, my hands clenching. " That asshole. " I muttered. Everyone in the room had looked at me, I looked down at my lap and began to run my fingers in between April's fur, something I did when I was frustrated.

" Aren't you like, happy? " Angel said, of course I was happy, I also wanted to punch him in the face repeatedly for leaving months ago. Erik had snorted beside me, I narrowed my eyes at him, obviously he had heard my thoughts. " I want to rip out his spine and play them as a xylophone while he watches. " I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. " Well that's one way to greet him. "

That's the end of this chapter!
Bye my Unicorns XOXO

Mighty ( All Dragon Slayers x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum