Chapter 2

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Y/n's Pov 

" Welcome to the one and only Miss Fairy Tail contest Where your favorite Fairies fight in the battle of beauty! " I peaked my head out from the curtains to see the huge crowd , I may not need the money but hey! I can't pass up a contest! " Now let's meet are entry number one , the exciting beauty that will drink you under the table any day of the week! Cana Alberona! "  Cana posed , the crowd cheered her name loudly. She used her card magic to change her in a bathing suit , nice touch! " On to entry number 2 , she may be new to the guild but her magic is S Class, a radiant beauty in rain or shine! Juvia Locksar! " Juvia smiled at the crowd before using her water magic to change her outfit into yet again another bathing suit. " Next up is entry number three , Fairy Tail's famous centerfold , her beauty has stolen the hearts of men and women all over the land. Mirajane! " The crowd went wild right when Mirajane appeared , that just showed how popular she was. Her act though , wasn't the best. She turned her face into Happy , then Gajeel. The crowd wasn't as excited as well , oh well less competition for me!  " Entry number four! The Fairy Queen who needs no introduction! Erza Scarlet! " Erza did a flip before landing on the stage then used her equip magic to transform into a dress , wow I've never seen her in a dress like that before. " Here's entry five! Petite and cute! This Fairy's as smart as she as charming! Let's hear it for Levy Mcgarden! " She used some of her solid script that allowed words to pop up behind her , pretty unique move! The next entry was Bisca who shot threw five coins with one shot , Bisca really is a badass! " Let's move on to entry Seven , Fairy Tail's strongest female mage. She may be warm at heart but she is powerful to the max! Welcome! Y/n L/n! " I used my snow magic to make a blizzard form on stage , myself appearing in the middle. I blew a kiss at the cheering crowd before making a tornado around myself , I erupted with a dress. I lifted my arms to reveal the dragon like wings , my dress was black with light blue staining the wings. The crowd went wild , Natsu even started cheering really loud. 

" Entry number 8 , I am the very definition of Fairy not to mention the very definition of beauty! I am the only women here that embodies everything men desire. Therefore the winner is me! The lovely Evergreen! Now this idiotic contest can end! " I glanced at Evergreen , what was she doing? Was this Laxus's doing? " Evergreen what are you doing? " She scoffed , lifting her glasses in the process. In an instant I turned myself into snow , letting the snow fall to the ground. 
Natsu's pov

Everyone in the guild stared horrified at the amount of stone left behind , there was just rubble of stone on the floor where Y/n was. They , they killed her! " You killed Y/n! " April and Myles instantly started crying  The curtain behind Evergreen lifted , behind her was statues of all the girls. Erza , Lucy , Mirajane. Laxus  shot down his lightning and appeared on stage with Evergreen " Let's have some fun! Glad I got Y/n out of the way , she would've been a handful." He can't say that about Y/n! He killed her!  "In other words I'm taking all of them hostage , break the rules and I'll shatter these chicks one by one. Or I could just smash 'em all right now. "  Fried and Bixlow joined Laxus and Evergreen on stage. " There's only one rule , who's ever left standing in the end is the winner. It's a Fairy Tail battle royale! I'm getting the girls back no matter what! I instantly ran up to Laxus ready to punch him , that didn't work out well since he struck me with his lighting. Everything instantly went black. 

" Hold on where'd Laxus go! Actually where'd everyone go!" Gramps, Reedus , Myles, April were the only four here other than Happy. " Gramps , do you know where everybody else ran off too? " All I could remember was me being knocked out by Laxus , I am pretty hungry though? " Laxus is hiding in Magnolia somewhere , find him and beat him! " Oh I'm ready! I'm fired up now! I cracked my knuckles and ran towards the exit. " Just you wai-! " While running to the exit , I ran into an invisible barrier. " Eh what the heck? " Why am I stuck behind nothing?I looked up at the invisible wall , writing was written on it.  " Why are Jet , Droy and Alzack fighting against each other? " I wanna go fight Laxus! " This doesn't make sense!  I wanna fight too! " Why wont this barrier let me leave! " Why do you wanna fight your friends! " Gramps back handed me to the head , ow that hurt! " Cause It's a tournament to see who's the strongest! " I'm the strongest! But why did all this make my head hurt? ! " Does this mean I'm over 80 and no one's told me! Cause I'd know if I was a stone statue right! " My head hurts , what does this mean? Am I stone! " 

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