Chapter 86

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Y/n's lips parted and her hands held Wendy close to her chest—one of her hands on Wendy's head and the other on her back. Wendy's eyes widened in horror at the sight, Everest stepped back with widened eyes and was terrified. " T-that's Acnalogia. " He nearly whispered, he stepped back more as if he was ready to make a run for it. Acnalogia stood in front of them, ripped cape and funky hair that stuck out everywhere. He defiled the mangled corpse of Irene Belserion that now lay in the blood-stained grass. He cackled menacingly as he stomped over and over again. " Stop it. " Y/n's eyes flashed over to Erza in horror. " Stop defiling her corpse. "

" What did you say? " His head lifted and slowly turned towards the four of them. " Why is your scent so similar to the dead woman? " His head tilted at the sight of them. " You lot are all dragon slayers? " He snorted. " A little thing like you has that kind of power? " Y/n held Wendy, stepping back more. " Just tell us who you are. " Erza said, her chin lowered to stare directly at the black dragon. " You already know. " The black dragon smirked, bringing his arm back ready to attack. Wendy let out a gasp as Y/n pushed her back, blocking the smaller girl from the bright light attack. It felt like mere seconds when Y/n was preparing to deflect the attack back to him but was blocked by a blue-haired figure who shielded the few of them from the strong attack. It was Jellal. 

" Heavenly Body Magic! Pleiades! " Her lips parted, knowing Jellal's magic was completely useless towards the Arcane Dragon Slayer. " Jellal it's useless don't waste your magic power! " She pushed Wendy aside and grabbed the bluenette's arm. The magical attack known as Grand Chariot had rained down the starry sky on the enemy, Jellal froze and so did Y/n who still had a grip on his arm. They both stared in horror at Acnalogia who ate the incredibly strong attack in seconds, he cackled loudly in the air. " Wait, what's his element? " Wendy yelled. He cackled loudly, chin lifted in the air before it lowered slowly. " My daughter is correct, I have no element of any kind. I am the ultimate dragon, the dragon of the apocalypse, and the devourer of all sorcery! I am the Arcane dragon, Acnalogia! "

" Of all sorcery? Does that mean he's immune to all types of magic attacks? " Y/m stared into the eyes of the dragon just above them. " Of course, that's what it means. " She paused. " I'm exactly like him. " She stepped back again, shaking her head. " He's grown stronger since Tenrou, we won't be able to defeat him. " 

" We're dragon slayers, there's no choice. It's up to us to defeat him, we have to. " Y/n turned her head quickly. " Wendy, what are you thinking? " Y/n yelled, Everest began to cry. Tears fell down his pale face and he shakingly looked at Wendy and then at Y/n, unsure of what to do. " Wendy! " Y/n yelled once the small girl changed into her swift dragon force and charged at the incredibly large dragon. Mere seconds passed Wendy nearly froze in her spot once Acnalogia began to produce an array of purple magical power that radiated deathly magic power. It was blocked by a white pegasus ship known at the Cristina and Master Ichiya had appeared from below. 

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